Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Filtering by Tag: Pharoahe Monch

Freestyle Friday (8/6)

People, how goes it? It's Friday, and Friday means freestyles. Today, we've got two freestyles that will have your ears wiggling and your fingers wanting to press rewind. The first cypher features Mickey Factz on a show called 'The Syndies'. Mickey does the term 'freestyle' a bit of justice and decides to go completely off the dome. His verse is damn near miraculous, considering most heads spit from a Blackberry nowadays. The fact that he can make coherent thoughts come across in rhyme form without writing it down is amazing. The improvisational aspect of freestyling is dying, but Mickey Factz is one of the people manning the respirator. The second freestyle is by J. Cole on Power 10 (wherever that is). Cole does his usual masterful job over the airwaves, so there's really nothing to say other than to just watch the video. The third cypher is by an oldie, but goodie, Pharoahe Monch. The Lyricist Lounge alumni dropped by Tony Touch's Tuesday Sirius radio show and does DAMAGE. I don't even want to talk about this one either because it's piff. Seriously, just listen and keep it locked to Dear Whoever...