Everic White

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ESSO - The Anti-Socialite


ESSO - The Anti-Socialite

Wanna know why I know most blogs don't listen to half of the things that they post before they listen to it? It's because they never have anything to say about some of the mixtape or songs they post up. Not that you have to write a short essay like me (most bloggers can't write anyway), but if you care enough to post it, why don't you have anything of value to say about it? That's neither here nor there, though it brings me to my point. ESSO, hailing from Harlem, wasn't putting out the best music, in my opinion. While you knew he was talented and could spit, his songs came off as overly preachy and sometimes lazy. That's just the long and short of it. I suppose that's why I dig his new mixtape, 'The Anti-Socialite'. The work is a look into the mind of a person who is in the city and its circles, but not of them, hence the title 'anti-socialite'. So much of ESSO's rhymes on the mixtape deal with him meandering about the vapid existences of his peers and wondering where his place is. At times the music is dark and foreboding, but other times you can hear the hope and drive of an MC striving to shine among the city lights. ESSO has the moody, sociable introverted rapper persona down pat, and it shows in every track. 'The Anti-Socialite' is one of those mixtapes you play at night to unwind and think about the day's happenings. While I'm not completely sold on ESSO and want to hear more, this is a solid work from an up-and-coming NYC rapper. Hit the jump for the tracklist, #dopetracks, loosies and some videos...


Get to Know Me
Growing Pains
Dressed Smart
Future So Bright

ESSO – New York, New York
ESSO – (Harlem) Uptown