Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Filtering by Tag: There is HOPE

The P.S. 22 Chorus

Videos like this make me not as worried and disillusioned for our youth, most notably the New York City public school system. PS 22 (check their blog here) has been cleaning up in NYC, performing for everyone from Mayor Mike Bloomberg, to local radio stations, to being featured in New York Magazine. With voices like this, you have to be hopeful for our youth. Lord knows I didn't get to do this when I was in 3rd grade. Check out some more videos of these kids KILLING your favorite pop songs...

Youth of the Nation

When I came to college, this is what I imagined. Instead of the vapid party and drinking scene I've grown accustomed to, I expected to find a mecca of learning and inspiration. Call it naivety, but my idea of what education should be has always been above and beyond what it was. I'm sure I'm not the only one out there either feeling like this. The ignorance of my peers was ultimately the straw that broke my camel's back in terms of my faith in education. That's why this video makes me smile for so much. All of the time, I hear adults chastise my generation because 'we don't stand for anything.' Now here we are protesting for our rights as students?? AND we got footage of it on Youtube?? Kudos UCLA. We can only hope that the rest of the nation's youth can make statements like that. Take THAT, Baby Boomers and Generation Y'ers!!

PS: I completely forgot to tell you what the video is of!! The students at UCLA were fed up with a 32% tuition increase and decided to protest. As you can see they got pretty heated and when the smoke cleared, there were 14 arrest and a student tasered (you know campus police did that shit). It's so nice to see students speak out and GET HEARD. Hopefully they lower that tuition...