Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Filtering by Tag: Vic Mensa

Vic Mensa - Blow My Mind (prod. by SC)


Vic Mensa - Blow My Mind (prod. by SC)

These days, when hip-hop is infatuated with swag and shameless promotion, it's always refreshing to hear someone... just spit. And I don't mean spit in the Lil' Wayne sense, where it's constant bathroom humor or the like. I mean stream of consciousness flows that don't even have choruses. I mean flows over good instrumentals about every-man subjects and things we can all relate to: like waking up wondering what the day holds for us or increasing our understanding. No, Vic Mensa isn't about the chew sticks and 'real hip-hop'. He's just another young man making his way up by his bootstraps, albeit with eloquent wordplay and understated symbolism There's nothing more honest than that. That's why Vic Mensa is on my radar. It's almost too easy to listen to the man. Check out this random loosie from the Chicago representative, and just vibe out...