Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

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Pac Div - Don't Mention It


Pac Div - Don't Mention It

Monday, I threw out a loosie from Pac Div called 'Shine'. Today (or yesterday) I got a chance to listen to their new mixtape 'Don't Mention It', and I must say, I'm impressed by the boys from the 'new' left coast. First and foremost, the first few tracks on this mixtape are CRACK. 'Underdogs II' sounded entirely too smooth, 'Birds' was a cheeky ode to dumb and fast women, and 'Broccoli' showed the group's knack for punchlines. Pac Div show a lot of charisma on this mixtape, which shows up in how much more pop-oriented it sounds. Tracks like 'Waves at the Prom' show that they're still catering to a younger audience. Some of their wordplay is a little bit dumbed down from the classic level of 'Church League Champions', but not to a fault. It's just an indication that these guys are ready to blow. Now, do I think it's the best way to go? Not necessarily. You can still keep your content up while making your music more palatable. I just think Pac Div wanted to put something out. Regardless, the production on this mixtape is album-quality and the beats (all original) were a pleasure to hear. I said on Twitter that 5 tracks in, this mixtape was my favorite of the year. It didn't finish with that billing, but rocked enough to make it worth the listen. Pac Div, as well as the rest of the left coast, need to be heard. Check out the download, tracklist/back cover, #dopetracks, loosies and videos...


Underdogs II
Here We Go
Waves at the Prom

Pac Div - Shine (ft. Marz Lovejoy)