Everic White

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Dear White House

via The New York Times:
Last week, conservative talk show hosts accused the president of sinister motives, and some parents vowed to keep their children out of school on Tuesday.

Some conservatives focused on the letter-writing activity as an effort by the administration to use classrooms to build political support for the president. Department officials on Wednesday replaced that initial suggested activity with one in which students would “write letters to themselves about how they can achieve their short-term and long-term educational goals.”

This is the problem with America: People are too lazy to want to be truly socially engaged. People would rather complain about the status quo and not do anything than find out what the problem is and make moves to improve it. When President Obama's plan to ask the students of America to write letters archiving their ideas for improving the nation hit the press and other political 'pundits', it was mostly panned. For what reason? What exactly is wrong with the President being engaging to the youth of America? Since when is the leader of the nation addressing the youth of the nation about self-determination and working hard a problem? I thought that this was the land where hard work and self-determination were the ultimate tools for social ascension. I thought that No Child Left Behind meant that the nation would be held accountable for every child. Why then is Obama's initiative looked at as a political move? Why can't he just want to motivate our youth?

To tell you the truth, I've grown so so so disillusioned with the political machine of America. This is the only country in the world that professes such an ideal of civic engagement, yet 90% of its citizens have no earthly clue how politics affect them. Looking at the town hall meetings its evident that the adults of America are ignorant of the ills that they've been fed for the past 8 years under George Bush. It's only right that they try to hold back the progression of their youth, seeing that the new President has more concern for their ideological understanding than they do. America can only go as far as the youth that it breeds. And if our derision of President Obama's ambitions is any indicator of the future, I'm moving to England, pronto. Somebody send THIS letter to the President...