Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear Coach K


via The New York Times:
“Really, it doesn’t matter at all what anyone predicts, it’s what you do,’’ Krzyzewski had said on Wednesday. “Somebody said we’re not in President Obama’s Final Four. As much as I respect what he’s done, really the economy is something that he should focus on, probably more than the brackets. So why would I care about that?"

So basically, Coach K, you're mad because our President thinks your team doesn't have a flying piece of shit's worth against the other big teams in the NCAA Tournament? Tough shit. I've been looking for a reason to write about Duke and their self-righteous, overly-braggadocios, three-point shooting, no heart-having style of play. It's painfully obvious to anyone who closely watches basketball that sooner or later Duke was going to run into a brick wall, and wouldn't know what to do when faced with that. Last night, they ran into that brick wall, in the form of a defense-oriented Villanova (that's not even the best team in the Big East), and lo and behold, you guys got bitched out (recap via ESPN). John Scheyer, Kyle Singler and Jerome Henderson (your Facebook name, Gerald) all got exposed and Coach K got made to look like a fool by the President. Maybe instead of commenting on the man's stance on your team's performance, maybe you should teach your team how to play with some toughness, or at least how to dribble. God knows, a pretty jump shot won't win in the tournament, especially not against a Big East team. Until then Coach K, focus your ire on something your team should learn how to do:
