Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear Nike SB


So you guys decided to switch up the boxes* again? That amounts to six colors now (orange, silver, pink, black and gold). With the exception of three or four releases the gold box Dunks have been TRASH. Not even trash, horrible. Bad themes, bad colors and shitty materials have pervaded the recent Nike SB releases. It's like Nike hired someone from the Bedazzler company as their chief designer and let this guy go crazy with the colors. Even if you were trying to get on the whole bright-colored, rainblow fad, you're about two years late for that bandwagon. I have a lot of hope for this brand, but some of the previews I've seen look like you guys might be feeling that recession soon.


You've got to be kidding with those two.

These can get the job done though.


*shoutout to SwaggerDap for the heads up on the box change