Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear VH1,


So you finally decided to bring back Behind the Music? (link below) I'm actually very surprised at this one, considering the last time you guys played actual music wasn't even on the actual VH1. You guys outsourced more musical duties to VH1 Soul than Sony Corporation to India. Seriously, what the fuck? How can you guys call yourselves a music channel when the only time you play music is during the Top 20 Countdown? Why has your programming segued into shitty reality programming? Why do I see Ray J and a bunch of other C-list celebrities instead of something productive and easing to the ears? You guys are like that easily-led annoying girl in my computer class in high school, confused and too concerned with the ideals of others. But that's neither here nor there. Apparently for your first Behind the Music in over three years is going to be about none other than Weezy F. Baby (do any other artists exist these days?). But I have one last question: don't artists have to have gone through an overwhelming amount of adversity to be on Behind the Music? I feel like the only hard times Wayne's gone through is when that nigga shot himself by accident. And even if that's a hardship of some sort, isn't it stupid to have someone on because of self-inflicted hardship? Does getting raped by Baby count? I swear, it's like people need an excuse to give Wayne publicity. Whatever the case, it's going to be interesting to see BTM back on the air. I hope their ratings don't get buttfucked and buttfucked and buttfucked again.