Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

T.I. is going to jail...


I guess even the best get burned sometimes. Today Clifford Joseph Harris Jr., better known as T.I. was sentenced to a year and a day (via Reuters) in prison on federal weapons charges. TIP was arrested in 2007 after attempting to purchase firearms from a federal witness (go figure; entrapment, anyone?). Along with his prison term, he was ordered to do over 1,000 hours of community service, which consisted of him doing an MTV show advocating for a stop to violence and crime in the youth. There's no doubt in my mind that he'll serve his time at a lighter type of prison (Club Fed, anyone?) and that he'll get out on parole, considering how the court praised his efforts during his community service. Whatever the case or charges, this man's been through a hell of a lot in the past two years. Hopefully he comes out as hot (pause) as he went in. For now, I'll reminisce. Check some of his notable tracks over his thus-far successful career:

Really, really underrated diss track. Shawty Lo had to concede the loss after this one...

T.I. - A.S.A.P. & Motivation

Two tough songs in one...