Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear Hotwire,


I never liked bullshit companies. It always seems like I'm in some way getting inconvenienced through the bullshit of other corporations or entities. Usually money-hungry and ruthless in their operations when it comes to getting your money, but nonchalant and unprofessional when it comes to delivering service, they tend to give you problems at the worst times possible. That is why, with no qualms or scruples in my meaning or rhetoric I can say FUCK HOTWIRE COMMUNICATIONS!!! How can you nickel and dime college students like this without providing any sort of comprehensible service to them? Why is your TV service a spotty, snow-filled interpolation of DIRECT TV's service? It's ironic that your company's name is Hotwire when you clearly hotwire your service from another company. Do me a favor, and blow up your fucking building. You'll be doing yourselves a great favor if you stop trying to pose as a business and embrace the scam that you are. While you're at it, make sure that fist full of assholes you call customer service licks a livewire.

Dear Whoever readers, if it hasn't become painfully obvious why I'm writing this letter, let me put it in layman's terms. My internet has been severely fucked for the past week. Please excuse the abhorrent lack of substantial Dear Whoever posts until this matter can be resolved. Shoutout to AKZionz for the love on his blog.