Everic White

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Dear Lupe

Really, Lu?

via AllHipHop.com:
In an effort to bring awareness to the worldwide water crisis, Chicago lyricist Lupe Fiasco has confirmed plans to ascend Tanzania’s Mount Kilimanjaro.
Fiasco was recruited for the stunt by Ethiopian pop singer Kenna, whose father nearly perished as a child due to a lack of clean drinking water.

“My dad almost died as a child from waterborne diseases in Ethiopia, and he had talked to me about digging a well there,” Kenna explained to Elle Magazine. “I thought, 'I have too many friends who would be concerned with the subject of clean water.’ Maybe I can help out.”

Mount Kilimanjaro boasts the highest peak on the African continent at 19, 330 feet. Most routes to the top of the mountain take a maximum of 6 to 7 days. Although the voyage is a popular retreat amongst climbers, the journey is not without its dangers. An estimated 10 people die every year attempting to climb Kilimanjaro. The majority of the fatalities are due to altitude sickness, which can cause swelling of the brain tissue (high altitude cerebral edema). Despite the risks for a novice climber, Fiasco plans to make the event a light-hearted competition with his friend Kenna.

“I'm an adventure junkie,” Fiasco stated. “Part of the motivation is beating Kenna to the top. Sabotaging his tent, taking the lining out of his coat, [and] lacing it with ants or something like that.”

Along with Kenna and Fiasco, pop superstar Justin Timberlake is expected to participate. The Mount Kilimanjaro charity climb is scheduled to take place this Fall. At press time, Lupe’s anticipated third studio album Lasers is due out in June 2009.

Lupe, why won't you just chill. If it isn't random rants about the music industry, then it's ridiculous wardrobe choices. Why won't you just go back to the chilled out, non-chalant rapper that everyone fell in love with in 2006. You have way too much talent to be so damn goofy. I realize that you're a nerd; we all are, when it comes right down to it. I know that this stunt is for charity. However, you really should be in the studio trying to kill "Lasers". We don't know if this is going to be your last album, so please just destroy it, so that people can realize how dope you really are. Backpacker (pun intended) or not, you're still one of the best rappers out. You just need to stop taking everything so personally in the rap industry, so that you can make good music, because that's all it really boils down to. While you're at it, why don't you get cracking on that Child Rebel Soldiers album? You, Kanye and Pharell are slackin on your mackin right now, considering there are only a few good albums slated to come out for the forseeable future. Even a tweet here and there about CRS would suffice!!!