Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear Miley Cyrus

Come on Miley. Really? It's not that serious. Jamie is just a comedian. What's even sadder is that the man had to apologize on national television to save face (via LA Times).It's not like that was Dan Rathers telling you to go do heroin and make a sex tape. The real question is, why does it matter? So what if Radiohead didn't want to meet you? That's a good thing. It means that you've peddled so much terrible music and deserved so much shallow publicity, that artists of a higher echelon than you don't even want to be associated with you. In my book, that's a new level of hating you've just reached. You really shouldn't be mad, considering that you have the groundwork ready to follow in the footsteps of all the 'child stars gone wrong'. Unbelievable amount of fame? Check. Naughty camera phone pictures? Check. Visible eating disorder? Check. Stupid celebrity beefs? Check. All you need now is a trashy best friend and you're well on your way. Move over Brittany and Lindsay. Miley's got next at the methadone clinic.