Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Grand Rapids, Michigan


Greetings from Grand Rapids, Michigan, where the only thing rapid is heartbeats after taking a few bites of the biggest fucking burger ever. At a minor-league ballpark, they sell this artery-clogging concoction (I doubt the majors would allow so much cholestorol within a mile of their players). I thought the Luther burger (Boondocks fans, stand up) was pushing it, but this is unbelievable. It looks like a miniburger that God would eat. I wonder if they make ketchup and mustard packets big enough for it. Whatever the case, this is what is wrong with America. Not only is this LITERAL fatburger dripping with 4800 calories, the shit costs $20! You would think the recession would have people cutting back. It seems like the only cutting that's gonna happen with this treat is a scalpel through your chest when you have to have emergency bypass surgery. Seriously though, tell me that the guy in the picture didn't have a stroke minutes after touching this piece of death. Hey, at least he got the free t-shirt for finishing it. They can probably put it on his tombstone.

(via USA Today)