Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

NBA: Where Random Shit Happens

If you didn't know by now, the Cavs are the best TEAM in the league. From their pregame portraits to the in-game dancing, to the insane trick shots by LeBron and Mo Williams, they all genuinely like each other. It's the first time I've seen such togetherness on an NBA roster, much less on any professional team. If they don't win the 'ship, are they going to have a team cry session at LeBron's?

This was just redonkulous. The Hawks' hawk apparently has a mind of its own, being a wild animal and all. It was pretty crazy seeing that bird swoop down from the scoreboard onto the trainers' arm. I think the Hawks would have won ahd they sicked that thing on D-Wade during the second half.