Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear Bow Wow

Really Bow Weezy? When did we go from being as fresh azimiz (had to spell it like that) to having sexy ass strippers (admit it, she's BAD!!) on night vision cameras? I feel like this is a sad attempt to jump into the adult market, rather than Chad Moss actually growing up. You clearly thought that by doing this, you'd somehow get everyone to forget the fact that there was once a "Lil" attached to the Bow Wow and that you were never writing your own rhymes. Regardless of your lack of skill, this is a cry for help. Maybe you should try your hand at production and actual lyric-writing before your start trying to segue into a more mature listening experience. Clearly, that stripper was a hired body and probably has a daughter that would do the same for free based on your status among pre-teen girls. That, in essence is why you're stature as a rapper will never hit home for me in the same way that it does for Soulja Boy. At least he has a an adult-oriented grind. You, on the other hand, have not only been Lil' in physical stature, but also in your understanding and comprehension of how to make it in the rap industry. But you know what? I guess it's a good thing that you're trying to step your game up. I don't think T.I. could have made any more money from you at the rate he was penning shit for you. And at least we get to see more mind-numbing videos like this:

Tell me you haven't done the dance at least once...