Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Fresh Daily - Tomorrow is Today

So, there's one day left in Music May (tears of sadness). That means we're going IN, and putting you on to a ridiculous amount of new music and artists. You better have some extra space on your hard drive...

Fresh Daily - Tomorrow is Today


Okay, so we (by we, I mean New Yorkers) all know Brooklyn heads, men and women, have a complex about them, an unsaid demeanor that is undeniable when in their presence and immediately detectable in throngs of people. That Brooklyn swagger, while ridiculous and annoying at times (since we all know the Bronx is where it's at), is to blame for the talents and achievements of some of the biggest names in hip-hop, sports and entertainment. The same applies for Brooklyn-bred rapper Fresh Daily, who boasts and menagerie of not only rapping, but graphic design, art and fashion design, along with being another ridiculously fresh cat. Clothing aside, dude can spit. He has a good handle of how to ride a beat and it's evident in the diversity of beats he selects. Fresh Daily isn't a lyrical rookie either, with his subtle punchlines and quick wit. This is definitely more along the lines of educated rap with a lot of art references and 5-dollar words. But that's enough talk for now. Peep the tracklisting on the back cover, the D/L link, my picks and some videos. VIVA MUSICA MAYO!!!

Fresh Daily - Tomorrow is Today


Cream of the Crop:

Space Movies
Apollo 13
Tomorrow is Today
Lazer Beams

Cream of the Crap:

Up In It
Universal Medicine