Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear Jacqueline Standley


via New York Post:
Joba Chamberlain's mom is in a mound of trouble.

Jacqueline Standley, the star Yankee pitcher's mother, was busted over the weekend for allegedly peddling meth to an undercover cop in their home state of Nebraska.

The 44-year-old, disheveled woman was picked up Saturday night in her apartment, which is cluttered with homemade shrines devoted to her son.

So I guess that New York Yankee money isn't good enough for you? Despite the fact that your son is a starting pitcher on the greatest franchise in sports history, you had to be out there getting that money. Selling meth ain't a joke. Hey, I can't knock the hustle, but that mug shot is a different story. You sure you weren't taking a couple hits off of your product? Remember rule number 4 though; never get high on your own supply. Then again, you would think between that Yankee money and the stacks you're getting from pushing those packs, you could account for a bit of shrinkage. Whatever the case, I guess you and your son aren't gonna talk for another two years. Hopefully you were saving up from selling...