Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear Rafer Alston

I guess it's hard to keep your inner streetballer in check. I've always rooted for you, Skip. It's hard to not root for you considering how good you are, and that the NBA treats streetball like the in-law that nobody likes. And I can see why with that move. No doubt it looked like it was all in fun and that the slap wasn't even that serious. I just think Eddie House was right. When you're getting rocked, there are only a few things you can do to get your pride back, including slapping another man. I hope it was worth it, because that suspension is definitely gonna hurt your squad. I'd rather see Michael McDonnell (RCDS Basketball stand up!!!) play point in your place than Anthony Johnson. At least that'd be funnier than seeing Eddie House shit on you on national television.