Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear Rocawear


Sorry, but not everyone is cut out for the sneaker game, especially when you can't even come up with your own designs. Are Supra's that hot that other clothing brands deliberately rip off the Skytop? Not only are these kicks completely unoriginal, but even in their banality, they show no sort of flair for what they're copying. At least Levi's had some hot colorways and materials. These look like B-grade Supra's that the ROC put a few R's on and kept it moving. You guys need to head back to the drawing board on this one, especially if you're trying to stay relevant. The last time I saw someone wear Rocawear ANYTHING, Dem Franchise Boyz still had a career. At least Jay wears Rocawear. Wait, no, I lied.