Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear Hurricane Chris

What made you think that this was a good idea? Even if you were successful at purporting any sort of positive sentiment of your song "Halle Berry", the lyrics about stealing another man's wife and degrading women in general would be hard to pass over. It's even worse considering that you threw on a suit and tried your best to sound professional and not like the half-coon, half-idiot we really know you are. I guess every rapper has aspirations of raising their bar to something other than opulence and fast women. I just think you're way too far removed from anything resembling political prowess to be one of those rappers. Here's a good question though: Which birdbrain in the Louisiana State Government shitted out this bright idea? Of all personalities to bring in for a legislative session, you're the one they decided upon. If that's the way Louisiana is run, I don't think I'll be taking a trip down there anytime soon. I'd rather have a governor who has affairs with Argentine women than one who thinks you're a good rapper.