Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear Michael Jackson

Rest in peace, Michael.

This is a hard letter to write. I'm so used to cynicism. But that's neither here nor there. Michael, you were an inspiration, a bastion of luminescence in what can sometimes be a very dark musical industry. From your explosion onto the scene in the 60's, to your growth in the 70's, to your rise to superstardom in the 80's to your iconic status in the 90's, there was never a person that saw you who wasn't touched in some way. In a music industry that spits up and chews up artists within months, you were really one of the last artists to have such a following, a worldwide "cult". Whereas some artists focused on making it to the next album, there was never a doubt in any minds that you would be poised to strike the music world with another dose of your lightning. That infectious voice, the dances that are forever linked to you and every track you ever blessed are a legacy that every musician, fan and person blessed to see your work will carry with them. Thinking back to every pop singer of the past 20 years, there is no one that can't trace some part of themselves to your legacy. While some focused on the misunderstandings that your decisions brought on, there's no doubt in my mind that your musical achievement, and better yet, your work as a humanitarian will shine through those clouds. Michael, you were simply the greatest; the greatest to do it, to have done it, and to ever do it. You will be missed sorely, and the spot you vacated in our hearts, minds and ears will never be filled. Rest in peace.