Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear Joe Jackson

What do bottlenosed dolphins, lions, baboons, African hunting dogs, kangaroos and Joseph Walter Jackson all have in common? They are all animals that have been known to kill and/or eat their young. Joe, we've know about how you used to abuse your kids during the 60's. Don't get me wrong; corporal punishment might have its place in certain, restricted venues. But when I saw this video, I nearly died. For a man who just lost his son, one of the greatest entertainers the world has ever seen, you seemed way too calm and eager to talk about other things. It's funny that you can even begin to talk about a new record company when nobody really cared about your musical ventures in the first place. They only reason your name was mentioned was because you beat the shit out of Michael as a kid. Shameless plugs aside, Joe, you ought to be ashamed of yourself. It's like the whole world is doing their mourning for you, while you sit back at award shows and collect checks from your kids' work. They say that you're supposed to bury your parents, not the other way around. For once, just once, I wish that tenet held true...