Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear MTV

Is this what MTV has come to?

Guys, let me get this out of the way: That was the WORST awards show that I've ever seen in my life. Eminem's teabagging symbolized the end of MTV as a ground-breaking, trend-setting force in the media. You guys have reduced yourself to the slapstick, rather than staying innovative, the one quality that separated MTV from any other music outlet. Let's not even talk about music and the fact that you've replaced every avenue of music on your channel with reality TV. Let's not even talk about the ridiculous lack of anything not having to do with preteen white girls (sorry it's true), even though the movie "Twilight" and the five awards it won were clearly a product of them being your target audience. MTV, let's just talk about how wack the awards were; how forced and contrived Andy Sandberg's routines were. Just because a person can make a viral spoof video, doesn't mean they can host an awards show. Come to think of it, when's the last time you guys have picked a good host? Remember this guy?:
