Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

The Census (7/15 7/26): Debriefing Session


Okayyyyyy. So we have our final results for the long-ass, 2 week Census question. I'm gonna cut straight to the chase.

Which name is better?
Dear Whoever 85%

The Mailman Came 14%

Obviously, the winner by a landslide is Dear Whoever. A few people commented, saying that The Mailman Came is unique and personal, but the majority of you guys tended to go with the simplicity of Dear Whoever. With that said, Dear Whoever (feels good to say that) will have a new domain name in the near future. Make sure that you keep your eyes peeled for updates. I really, really, really appreciate the votes, the comments and the love you guys show my blog. I hope you enjoy reading it, because I enjoy writing it. Keep the word out there that heads need to open their mailboxes, because Dear Whoever is here to stay!!!