Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear Barack Obama's Critics (Part 2)

This one just blows my mind. Why do detractors think that Obama's health care initiative is such a bad idea. Since when has the health of a country's people NOT been a forefront concern of that country? Why do all of these conservatives have such a staunch dislike for publicizing something that should be part of a country's responsibilities in the first place?

So you think that taxing healthcare benefits are a big deal? Look at all of the things we tax now, that essentially have no use whatsoever. The last time I checked Social Security was failing, our Defense budget is outlandish, and our school system still isn't up to the par that it should be. Why is it then that they have such an aversion to putting tax money to the most important issue of all: health care. Also, to say that ALL Americans are 'satisfied' with their health care choices is preposterous. No one, and I repeat, NO ONE is happily forking over their money to an insurance company for health care, especially when they get slapped in the face with bureaucracy and service refusal.

It's like American citizens are stuck between a rock and a hard place. Do they want to be reamed in the wallet by insurance companies, or do they just want to be uninsured, praying that they don't have any accidents? And in all of this, all some of these conservatives and critics can do is say that Obama's reforms are too drastic and expensive, looking past the big picture. If hospitals, private medicine and insurance companies all bought into Obama's system instead of fighting it because it would mean a smaller profit for a few years, America would be healthy. Obama's plan isn't an overhaul of the current system, but an eradication of the ills that kept it from fulfilling its supposed goal: to keep Americans healthy. But in the end, all these cats can see is dollars. To them, if everyone prospers, they don't prosper as much. Such is the American Dream...