Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear NBA

Sheed's bald spot and KG's foul mouth are gonna be a good look...

This is a general letter to the prominent teams in the NBA. I know what you guys are doing. First Shaq to the Cavs, then Vince to the Magic, then Jefferson to the Spurs during the draft. Now it's Hedo Turkgolu to the Raptors, Artest to the Lakers, and Rasheed to the Celtics?? It's as if the older stars (many of whom are on the decline) are banding together for their own devious purposes (ie: the 'Ship). I suppose all you veterans are realizing that the time is now to get your ring, which is a good move. I just find it funny that all of you guys decided to do it at the same time, which definitely makes your goal a lot easier (sarcasm) All of you attempted to do it yourselves (some successfully, others not so much) and now know how hard it is to reach the Finals much less win them. It's an uphill battle the whole way, and I suppose you need other capable players to help you carry the load at this point in your careers. You don't suppose David Stern is somewhere counting humongous sums of money? Because if he isn't, then fate is a really cool dude...