Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear New York Knicks

The match made in basketball hell...

Now, I'm not writing this because I aspire to someday be the GM of this illustrious organization. I'm not even writing this because I revile even the sight of James Dolan and his wack, rock band-having, overpriced ticket-selling, lack of basketball knowledge self. Hell, I could even care less about Donnie Walsh, no matter how long he's been in the game (I feel like he's already died, he's so old). What really set me off with you, New York Knicks, is the fact that you guys are going for broke, not even taking into account that maybe, just maybe there's a WHOLE SEASON in between this summer and the summer of 2010. I mean damn, do you really think LeBron is that serious about coming to New York? The man is 2 years removed from a Finals appearance, the reigning MVP, a few made shots from another Finals appearance, and just got the best center of the past 20 years as a sidekick. If anything, I'd think that going to New York would be like starting over again. Sure you got Jordan Hill, and Wilson Chandler and Danilo Gallinari, but where's the point guard? For God's sake, you guys had Nicholas Tskitishvili running the point during Summer League games.

To tell you the truth, I think both Walsh and Dolan are retarded. Nate Robinson and David Lee still aren't resigned, the Draft was a mild success at best, and we still have scrubs like Larry Hughes, Eddy Curry and Jared Jeffries still on our roster. And all you can think about is LeBron in 2010? To the Knicks organization: GET YOUR SHIT STRAIGHT!!! Why are we going out and trying to get Andre Miller and Jason Kidd, when we should be getting younger and faster to integrate with D'Antoni's run-and-gun system? Why has the biggest move of the offseason been acquiring Darko "BUST-it-Baby" Milicic? Why is Cuttino Mobley with his malfunctioning heart (bless his soul) still on the roster? I guess you think that 2010 is the cure-all, but these are serious issues with the team. Sure, we've trimmed some of the fat in terms of the salary cap, but this isn't a roster that can compete. It's like we're taking old parts from someone else's wreck and trying to make our own. I know I'm not an expert, but I know a shitty team when I see one. And the way you guys are looking like right now, 2010 can't come soon enough; especially when you can make videos like this...