Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

District 9

No, seriously, this looks ILL. Besides his stint with The Lord of the Rings trilogy, I was never a fan of Peter Jackson, or his despicable hair. My opinion definitely looks like it's set to change with the looks of this new film. District 9 seems like it takes a realist's look at how alien life would be handled on Earth, which is a refreshing viewpoint considering the 20-plus years in film we've had of aliens coming just to wipe out human life. Even the aliens themselves in the movie look like they could exist. The whole prospect of this movie is what makes it look cool. The special effects of course will be top-notch, looking at Jackson's track record. The only thing that could bring this project down is bad acting. We'll see what goes down in District 9 soon enough. It comes out on August 14th and Dear Whoever will have updates on the film for sure...