Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Philadelphia, PA

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Greetings from Philly people; the place where Junior is residing at the moment. This isn't a pleasant Greetings From though. In Northeast Philadelphia, a group of about 60 minority campers was sent packing from a private pool club that cited the children would "change the complexion … and the atmosphere of the club." Apparently when the children got to the pool, the predominantly white patrons took their children out of the pool, clearly perturbed. The pool club's ownership promptly requested that the campers leave, and offered them a refund, leaving them with no place to beat the heat. My question is, how is a place like this still standing?? Didn't we leave shit like this alone in the 60s, 70s and 80s? Or better yet, shouldn't the presence of a black president make such thinking either obsolete or just plain old ignorant? It's a damn shame that this could even happen. I hope these kids get the justice they deserve...