Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear Summer


Yes yes, yall. It's about this time that summer is looking like it's coming to a close. The curtains are falling on the time that most people equate with universal happiness and overall pleasantry. Yet, to some, the summer hasn't been so kind. Whether they've been stuck in an office, have been cash-strapped with no job, or just have had a drab summer, this is the time to take advantage of the last weeks of intended hedonism we have left. No, I'm not telling you guys to go out and start smoking PCP or to audition for the next Girls Gone wild. But when I look at most of my peers, I see them taking LSAT classes, going abroad, doing research fellowships, interning, working more than one job, taking classes or grinding in some way. Just know that all grinding makes for some worn out gears. Relax for a bit. Take a chill pill and then a walk. I guarantee that will clear your mind more than an evening's worth of prime time television cuddled up with some ice cream.

Remember these?? Maybe you should take a trip, just for old time's sake...

Gone are the days when you used to explore. Gone are the days when summer was an adventure waiting to happen. Gone are the days when the only rush was to the ice cream truck and getting up early meant catching cartoons, not running for a bus. While we like to predicate our success on the accolades we achieve in academic and other 'honorable' endeavors, our inner children are dying. We don our monkey suits and drink Starbucks and read newspapers when some basketball shorts, Kool-Aid and a trip to the park would do the trick. We put down childish things only to wonder where the flair in our spirits is going. Don't let that happen. What I'm trying to get at is don't lose your soul in the road to riches. Don't let the ins and outs of everyday life grind you down to an amalgam of your former self. Don't let your inner Urkel be watered down to Stephon. Always let your curiosity and your search for novelty be a guiding light when the world just seems drab. And never forget those summer evenings, when the sun was still out and your mother let you stay out. Enjoy the rest of the summer, people...