Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Infinite Galaxies

It's funny, but I always assumed that space looked like this all those lightyears away; that at an infinite reach there were an infinite amount of galaxies that we could never fathom. From those galaxies, you can probably see hundreds more. Even from ours, we haven't exhausted every space of the 360 degrees extending from earth. With these images surfacing, the possibility of life, even intelligent life, outside of Earth seems all the more feasible. Now, I won't say outright that there is life, because we honestly don't know what any of those galaxies holds. But isn't it a thrilling prospect to think of? That somewhere in that giant matrix of extra-stellar masses, there may be a sentient life-form? Of course there could also be nothing out there but gas and vacancy, but it's always great to dream...