Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear Allen Iverson


Okay, since it's Twitter-official, I figured it's high time I wrote this letter, Allen. No player, besides Michael Jordan, has had your effect on the game in terms of style, attitude and overall flair. From the braids (RIP), to the tattoos, to the headband, to the arm sleeve, to the sneakers, you put so many trends on the map and are the author of so many INSANE chapters in the NBA. You're one of my favorite players to watch, but always have been a frustrating prospect because of the negatives you bring. That killer crossover beget almost 4 turnovers a game for your career. That fearless attitude on the court brought you scoring titles and an MVP, but title. In some ways, going to the Memphis Grizzlies will be a second chance to show that you can play nice with the kiddies. On the other hand this might be your last bow out. Giving you a one year deal is essentially the Grizzlies begging for veteran leadership.

Now, are you gonna be Jewelz, the team-destroyer and shot-hogger, or are you gonna step to the plate and be the spark that OJ, Rudy and the rest of the young Grizzlies need to realize their potential? On paper, you going to the Grizzlies is a Godsend, but we all know what happened in Detroit, Mr. "I'd Rather Retire Than Come Off the Bench". At this point in your career, when your body isn't covered in Teflon anymore, your KNOWLEDGE of the game is gonna supersede your physical additions to the team. Do yourself and the Grizzlies a favor, and TRY to co-exist. If not to get the Grizzlies out of the bottom of the Southwest Division, do it so that I don't lose all faith in the awe-inspiring player you used to be. Seriously, AI, toss some alley's to Rudy and Sam Young, and try to let OJ get a couple of shots in. It won't be a lost season and it'll make my choice to bang with the Grizzlies (along with the Warriors, Clippers and Mavericks) in NBA 2K10 not as outlandish...

Despite his troubles, who can debate the greatness that is the Answer??

Even Jordan caught it...

Two of my favorite basketball commercials EVER...