Everic White

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Dear 2010-11 NBA Regular Season

First of all, let me say goodbye. As we enter the 2011 NBA Playoffs and the field of teams shrinks from 30 to 16, I can recant on this season thinking it was one of the best and interesting I've seen. You brought us the ongoing story of the Miami Wades, a continued shift in power from West to East, among numerous other plotlines, as well as great play on the court. Additionally, you will end with at least one team relocating in Sacramento, the retirement of Jerry Sloan, and a murky labor situation with your CBA expiring.
Sidenote: Lord, Lord, Lord please let the NBA and NFL get their labor agreements together so that I don't have to sit through a summer of all baseball, all the time...
Secondly NBA Season, I must say I am impressed with your second half. The trade deadline kept the excitement up, putting stars in new places all for the better. (RIP to my boy Deron Williams' legacy, Baron Davis' business aspirations and the Celtics' title hopes) You further cemented the NBA as the best professional league out there, especially considering the NFL's unsure future and how lame baseball has gotten. Thirdly, with the Playoffs continuing this evening, it's time to give out awards for this season. Check out Dear Whoever's superlatives:

Most Valuable Player: Derrick Rose

While Kobe, Dwight Howard, LeBron and D-Wade have all been lynchpins for their respective franchises, no one has done more for their team than Derrick Rose. If you want to talk about a player willing his squad to victory night in and night out, it is the 2008 #1 pick. 25 points per game, 4 rebounds, 7 assists and shooting 10% better from both 3-point range and the foul line. D-Rose elevated his game to a new level while his frontcourt was constantly in flux, with Boozer and Noah both battling injuries all year. Most importantly, Rose has shown that you don't need a triple-headed (talking about YOU, Heat, Celtics and Lakers) monster to win in the NBA... just one superstar.

Defensive Player of the Year: Dwight Howard

As much as I despise Superman Bizarro for his overally corny nature and lack of any semblance of an offensive skill set, I can never deny that Dwight Howard isn't a beast in his own right. The manchild has a penchant for being around the ball when it has the propensity to be vaulted into the stands by his frying pan of a hand. Howard changes shots when he's on the court. Without him, the Magic would be lost defensively and would be run out of the gym. Just take a look at their stats without him. They allow over 98 points without him, and just over 90 with him. If that's not a defensive presence, I don't know what is. Now if only we could get him to call Hakeem and copy his offensive game, too...

6th Man of the Year: Lamar Odom

If I didn't know any better, I'd say that Kardashian tail has some magical powers! If it isn't Kris Humphries finally turning into a serviceable NBA starter while dating Kim, then it's Lamar Odom playing like he finally grew a pair after putting a ring on Khloe's finger. Odom has always been one of the most intriguing players in the league, if not for his unique skill set, then for his lack of production with such a set. En route to another successful Lakers' season, Odom averaged 14 points and 9 rebounds while shooting a career-best 53% from the field... Coming off the bench. And if that isn't enough to seal L.O.'s bid for 6th man of the year, name a better 6th man this year... Jason Terry? Nahh... Big Baby Davis? Get him a binky. No other bench player has contributed more to a winning effort. Thank the Kardashians...

Rookie of the Year: Blake Griffin

There's not much to say about this one. John Wall was the next best option, and he got blown out of the water. If you need any proof as to why Blake is the ROY, just look at the above video again, and pray for Timofey Mozgov's soul.

Most Improved Player: Kevin Love

This was probably the only award that gave me some trouble. I've watched Dorrell Wright go from a first round pick with the "potential to be the next T-Mac" to a benchwarmer on the Miami Heat, to a forgotten high school draftee, to an unsung hero on the Golden State Warriors. Wright jumped from 7 points per game to over 16 points a game, which is incredible. Yet, playing for the Warriors, I think I could put up at least 10 points per game. That said, Kevin Love is the Most Improved Player of the Year. He went from 14 to 20 points per game, while leading the league in double-doubles and rebounds per game, AND playing for probably the worst team in the league. Hell, Kev Love shot 42% from 3 this year! He put up a 30 point and 30 rebound game and put together a streak of 53 double doubles! Kev is exactly what the league needs in terms of a big man, and proved it every time he stepped on the court en route to his first All-Star bid. He not only improved his game, but his team's (limited) game. Hand that man the trophy!

Dear Detroit Pistons

These four might as well not see the court again... No bailout needed

In the wake of this ridiculous spending and fear filled marathon, otherwise known as the trade deadline, the NBA season has picked up A LOT. Carmelo finally did what everyone knew he was going to do, Deron Williams was burned at the stake by the Mormons Jazz, and Jeff Green is now that kid in your neighborhood that moved away. Not even Baron Davis or Mo Williams were safe. To say it was a panicked trade deadline would be tame. It's funny that the team that stayed pat is still worse off that most squads.

If it isn't closing public schools, or boasting in car commercials, it's keeping your team the way it was at the beginning of the season, allowing what was a respectable franchise last decade to turn into a laughingstock. Detroit, for the past four years, I don't think I've seen a team fall so far from grace. You've been in the middle of 'rebuilding' since 2008 when you shipped out Chauncey Billups for Allen 'Turkey' Iverson (double entendre, don't even ask me how). Rodney Stuckey has been decent at best, Tayshaun Prince has been little more than the big fish in a small, moldy pond and long gone are the days when two men named Wallace were the pillars of the Motor City. That said, you've seen better days, but none worse than last Friday when half of your team staged a 'player protest'.

What's funny about the protest is that between Tracy McGrady, Richard Hamilton, Tayshaun Prince, and Chris Wilcox none of these guys have played extensively enough or well enough to warrant any loyalty. Your team has tried to commit to a tenet of keeping around veterans, when it's clear that these players couldn't hack it if they had arms made of axes. Sure McGrady's had a few good games, but what else can you expect from a former scoring champ? The Ben Gordon experiment has proven that combo guards don't work in the Motor City, and Charlie Villanueva has barely showed flashes of brilliance, mostly in meaningless games. To put it shortly, your rebuilding process has NOT gone well.

Ironically, some good has come out of your laconic season. Austin Daye is proving that he wasn't just a no-name WCC player with a highlight tape and Greg Monroe is playing incredibly, making double-doubles look easy. If anyone is worth keeping, it's those two guys. Will Bynum? Expendable. DaJuan Summers? He peaked at Georgetown. Jason Maxiell? He's the poor man's Milsap with no jumper. The rest aren't worth a line. Except for one other person: your coach, John Kuester. Kuester has proven that trying to turn a bunch of former somebodies into 20 minute per game rotation players will NOT work. He's completely mismanaged your team and you know it. Joe Dumars might as well coach this team himself. I'm sure he could help what good pieces you do have grow some cojones before the rest of the East becomes a whirlpool of talent again.

The trade deadline came and went, and you guys stayed pat with a mediocre team. Even though the CBA is hanging by a thread, Detroit, you still have a chance to bring this team back to relevance. A) You need to drop John Kuester immediately. Everything about that man screams pushover in the locker room and it's obvious with how erratically you play on the court. B) Get rid of the old, dead weight. That includes Hamilton, T-Mac, Prince and Wilcox. You can't start rebuilding for the next dynasty if you have leftovers from the first one. C) Make sure you keep Austin Daye and Greg Monroe. Those two look like a dynamic duo in the making, just waiting for Austin Rivers a great point guard to take the reigns. No, it won't be easy. No, it won't be quick. But it's better than believing you can recreate another Bad Boys replica with a bunch of Grumpy Old Men, especially ones that call sitting out of practice for a day 'protest'. Long live the car industry, because basketball isn't happening for a while...

Dear Carmelo Anthony

God help the team that gets you...

For the past month, there are a few topics that have been beaten to death and cremated in the sports world. But one stands above them all, Carmelo. The continued drama of where you'll end up is starting to put me to sleep. Every time you turn around, there's a new rumor. 2 weeks ago it was the Nets, this week it could've been the Knicks, and now it's the Lakers. What gives? I feel like you should say something to clear this up, especially since your team isn't really backing you up. I suppose that's what happens when the spotlight is on you... You clam up.

I can't help but be reminded of all of the times you choked under pressure, or failed to show up. Your teams have always been good, and you've been considered a superstar, but this year it seems like you're not even in the game. Earlier in the season, with Chauncey Billups hobbled by a broken wrist, the Nuggets seemed flat. Although you were able to get to a record of 31-25 coming into the All-Star Break, that's only good enough for 4th in the Northwest Division and 8th in the West. Okay, so the West is stacked... So what? Aren't you a superstar?

It pains me to see all of this speculation of you making the move to New York because teaming up with Stoudemire might screw both of you up. It would be the joining of two unstoppable but unimportant forces in the NBA. Both you and A'Mare are defensive liabilities. You never guard the best player on the other team, much less make defensive plays when your team needs it (see: Paul Pierce in NY). When Kobe comes to town, why's Aaron Afflalo guarding him? When you guys take a trip to Miami, should Gary Forbes be tasked with guarding LeBron? These are questions that've plagued you through your career, even with the Playoff runs and your development of a masterful offensive game.

Speaking of offense, you and A'Mare are considered two of the best offensive players in the league, but never seem to score when it matters. A week or so ago, you scored an NBA season high of 50 against the Rockets, which is incredible if you completely ignore the fact that you lost! You managed to drop 50 points and lose, Melo. Come on, son. You didn't even have any assists. That, oh Brooklyn native, is the definition of a meaningless scorer. Yes, you came out and dropped 42 2 games later in a win, but you weren't even in the game to hit the game winner, having fouled out. The superstar doesn't do that. The superstar is the guy everyone is scared of with the game on the line. I certainly wouldn't be afraid of you if I were another NBA defender. It just goes to show you that no matter how good of a player you are, if you don't have that x-factor, that umph, that extra push, it doesn't matter.

Melo, you probably will end up a Knick, if not by the end of the week then by the end of July (*crosses fingers for CBA revision*). While it's exciting from a fantastical standpoint, basketball wise, it will be business as usual for you. Yet no one talks about that. The media is hyped up in the formation of another multiple-headed monster in the league, and rightfully so. It will probably be that same media that crucifies you if and/or when you and A'Mare choke inevitably. It's okay though. You can always take solace that you're from Brooklyn. No one can take where you came from away from you. Only YOU can destroy your own legacy, though. Hopefully you don't bring the Knicks down with you too...

The Best Beards in Basketball

During my random sessions of internet surfing, I stumbled upon the above video for the second time. Baron Davis' 'Boom's Beard' product was a serious reminder that facial hair can work miracles not only in the NBA, but in real life. Being a baby-faced individual, my next thought was... If I could have any beard in the NBA who's would it be? Who's follicles would be burly enough to boost one's game on and off the court? Today, Dear Whoever examines the best beards in basketball, and the players underneath the scruff.

LeBron James
How could we start this list without the King? Bron Bron has been the reigning best player in basketball, and coincidentally the best beard in basketball, which is as burly (pause) as he is. King James' facial follicles take on a life of their own at times, as does his game.

DeShawn Stevenson and Drew Gooden
Speaking of LeBron, his arch-nemesis DeShawn Stevenson has since departed from the Washington Wizards team that became Public Enemy #1 in Cleveland. Ironically, his best friend in the league, Drew Gooden was on that team. The two ballers decided to have a 'beard battle', where the first person to shave lost. Stevenson won, but his Wizards were trounced by Gooden's squad, the Cavaliers, and Bron Bron. I guess not being able to feel one's face, as Stevenson likes, doesn't give an advantage...

Rip Hamilton
People wonder why Rip Hamilton's motor never stops running on the court, and why he's almost impossible to keep up with. My explanation: the beard. In the traditional Philly beard mold, Rip has had the scruffy man look going on 6 seasons. After breaking his nose and being forced to wear a protective mask, Rip kept the mask and the beard that accompanied it. Now the three of them are inseparable., much like Rip from the Pistons...

Deron Williams
If there was ever an extremely precise point guard in the NBA, it would be Deron Williams. The man can stop on a dime and drop a few dimes on the hardwood too. It's no surprise that D-Will's beard looks like it was laser-etched and filled in using the most vibrant of hair dyes. D-Will's beard looks so perfect, it almost looks fake...

Honorable Mention: Rasheed Wallace
Sheed needs to be in some kind of hall of fame for being a trailblazer in basketball hairstyles. Not only did he make the random and inexplicable bald spot a trend, he made being ridiculously scruffy a fashion statement, starting with that beard of his. Nothing says 'technical foul' like a beard that looks like a pair of scissors hasn't touched them in years. Here's to you, Sheed, and your beard...

Dear Cleveland Cavalier Fans

Keeping in line with a penchant for trying to be a little less negative and a little more positive with my letters, I almost didn't write this. Then I realized the purpose of writing these letters isn't to be nice or to get people on my side. It's to display a valid argument and (hopefully) show people why that argument is valid. That said, I came upon this video amidst my random internet binges, and automatically burst out in a fit of good old-fashioned (and apparently healthy) belly laughs.

Really, Cleveland fans?? This is what you guys have resorted to as some ridiculous ploy to feel better about what transpired over the summer in the LeBron-athon? That's pitiful. Yes, LeBron could have gone about his move down south in a more tactful manner. Yes, basketball's coup of the century left your team decimated with a raggedy bunch of Robins. Yes, LeBron's commercial thumbed it's nose at all of the hate spewed towards the City of Rock. Even so, it's a new season!!! You guys have new uniforms, new coaches, and a few new players on the roster. Let me repeat: THIS IS A NEW SEASON! LeBron is long gone and looks like a kid in a candy store taking the court with Wade, Bosh and company. He's moved on, as should you. And it's funny that your team hasn't even played Miami yet. I'm thinking the score differential might be up there in the 40s, if not more. You guys should know better than anyone that an angry LeBron is a scary LeBron...

I understand the ailing of a city who's 3 sports teams don't even amount to LeBron's billfold. I understand how betrayed you felt in July. But, there has to be a point at which you decide that this is a new beginning. Videos like this will only enhance the curse that LeBron's shadow is casting on your city, and serve to make your city all the more bitter, and unhappy. No, Cleveland, you shouldn't forget what happened. However, does it really help to keep flinging trash at LeBron's name at this point? Making hateful videos isn't going to bring the man back, or make your team any less boring on paper (I see not one All-Star on that roster). As a matter of fact, rather than making hating videos and being upset, maybe you guys should be trying to train up another crop of LeBrons. Yeah, that's it... Start pushing your kids into basketball, so that maybe one day, one of them can leave the city's basketball team in shambles bring a championship to Cleveland...

Hip-Hop's Basketball Team

Basketball and hip-hop culture are damn near brothers cousins... Well, they're just related, very closely. Since the late 1980's hip-hop lore has laced the hardwood through players, teams, the gear that those entities wore and the music going along with them all. Movies like White Men Can't Jump, Above the Rim, Hoop Dreams, He Got Game (and sadly Like Mike) feature hip-hop music and culture centered around hoops. Rappers and ball-players have notable friendships and romantic relationships (RIP Trina and Kenyon Martin). Ballers like Shaq, Allen Iverson and sadly Kobe Bryant ventured into hip-hop, attempting to capitalize on their fame in the opposite arena. But what about rappers who try their hand at basketball? Dear Whoever now examines those (literally) crossover artists, putting together a team of the best rappers ternt ballers, and who would make the cut on hip-hop's basketball team. Who did I miss? Would your squad be able to go up against mine?

Honorable Mentions:
Mike Jones
Slim Thug
Lil' Flip

Cam'Ron & Ma$e

We all know Cam and Ma$e from their days rapping together as a part of the Harlem collective 'Children of the Corn'. Little do most people know that Killa Cam and Murda Ma$e didn't meet through rap, but because they were childhood buddies that played basketball together in high school. In this clip, you see Cam putting on a show for a high school championship game, with Ma$e making a cameo. If I had to start a team, Cam would have to be the point guard and main playmaker with the way he gets into the lane and finishes...

The Game and Snoop Dogg

California, and most notably, Los Angeles are a hot bed for rap and basketball talent. Brandon Jennings and Jrue Holiday aren't the only ones making knees buckle, though. Uncle Snoop and his nephew the Game both draw crowds whenever the step onto the hardwood (pause). The Cali duo do some damage against one another in this charity tournament. Snoop wows the crowd with some well placed handles, while the Game takes athleticism into his game, doing some high-flying layups and put backs. Sure, Snoop is older than basketball and Game brings little else to the table, but every squad needs role-players...


Al-Quaeda Jada is already hoops-famous in my book for his forays into basketball stardom with Allen Iverson in the early 2000s (two of my favorite basketball commercials here and here). But who knew the Yonkers representative could ball like this? And at an actual tournament to boot? Jada makes some quick fans here, balling out of control with Nate Robinson on his team. How does A-HCHAAAAAAHHH!! *Jadakiss voice* sound as a team battle cry?

Joell Ortiz

Joell Ortiz is a heavyweight on the mic. That's no secret. Being a heavyweight on the court doesn't always make for good basketball though. Joell disproves that notion in this video, putting the shakes on a few unlucky cats who thought it would be hilarious to see the Brooklyn MC take on the roundball. Joell shows he knows how to pull off the pick-and-roll seamlessly, driving to the net and LeBron-ing some hooper straight into a chorus of OOOOOOOHHHHHH's. Any man that can control his weight in motion like that can definitely be on Dear Whoever's squad.

Chris Brown

Okay, so Chris Breezy isn't a rapper. He's as likely to get killed in a verse than he is in domestic abuse court (is it too early to make jokes about that?). That doesn't mean that the R&B swooner can't hold his own up against some of And 1's best. And that he does, crossing up one of the streetballers for a nice layup... Only to get the ball stripped when he tries to pull off a next level move. That's okay for Chris, though. He gets the nod on Dear Whoever's team simply for making Bow Wow rethink his then-aspirations to play basketball professionally. The below video is an ironic microcosm of how play can mirror work perfectly. RIP to Bow Wow... and his layup.

LeBron James - Nike 'RISE' Commercial

So... LeBron James has essentially thumbed his nose at the world, especially those talking greasey about him after his announced move to the Sunshine State. Nike clearly has put a lot of marketing dollars into King James. Though they could give two flying Cavaliers about where Bron Bron suits up, it's refreshing to see them take a tongue-in-cheek approach to the controversy. James has tweeted numerous times that he's got a bone to pick with all of the haters and hate that's been flung his way. With the NBA season looming (check out my NBA Season Previews if you haven't already), it's only right that the best player in the world right now would end his silence on such a grand scale. Of course, there still are 82 games to prove the move's worth, but with such a profound statement and the way James has been playing in the preseason, it would be unwise to bet against the King and his court. Check out the best Nike commercial I've seen in a while...

2010-2011 NBA Season Preview: Western Conference

Yes, people. It is my favorite time of the year. Football season is in full swing, baseball season is finally coming to a close and yes, the basketball season is upon us. We're well in store for another season of dunks, jumpers and great NBA action, and Dear Whoever is here to sift through the clutter for you.

Our season preview continues in the Western Conference, where the Lakers have reigned supreme, but new teams are beginning to show their worth. Let's check out the 8 best teams in the West, who's up, who's down and who's got the juice. Hit the jump to see them:

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Until someone knocks them off, this is Kobe and the Lakers' world... We just live in it.

1. Los Angeles Lakers
I said it in the Eastern Conference post, and I'll say it for the West. To be the best, you've got to beat the best. And quite simply put, they ARE the best. The Los Angeles Lakers have two top-10 players on their roster in Kobe Bryant and Pau Gasol, different scoring options in Artest, Odom, and Bynum, and tremendous depth coming off the bench. They added Matt Barnes, Theo Ratliff and Steve Blake to solidify their rotation, and essentially have 10 players in that rotation who could start anywhere in the NBA. Not to mention, the guru Phil Jackson is back for another threepeat attempt (this will be his 4th if the Lake show wins the ship this year, which is incredible). The Los Angeles Lakers are the team that everyone is aiming at, whether or not they think they have a chance. The rest of the Western Conference is clearly a few steps behind L.A. in terms of talent and a system that wins championships. If they don't end the season at #1 in the West, it will be because the team collapsed, which is highly unlikely with the cast of characters on that sideline...

What does it take for a team to go from Young Guns to Title Contenders? Ask Durant and the Thunder...

2. Oklahoma City Thunder

You might wonder why I'm placing the Oklahoma City Thunder at the #2 position in the West. If you saw the way Kevin Durant and company played the Lakers last year in the first round of the Playoffs, you'd know why. They came within seconds of forcing a Game 7 against the eventual champs, and had a lot of people shocked with their performance. The Thunder have built a roster the old-fashioned way: through the draft. The organization has built around Durant, Jeff Green and Russell Westbrook by adding quality pieces around them, and a coaching staff that stresses discipline for the team. James Harden is looking like another steal in the draft. The Thunder also have two underrated big men in Nick Collison and Serge Ibaka. Obviously, the centerpiece of this team is the phenom, Kevin Durant. If he continues to improve, then the Thunder will be head and shoulders above a lot of teams in the Western Conference, simply because of his MVP-caliber talent. The scoring champ has all the tools and complementary players he needs to knock off any of the West's (former) powers, and make the Thunder legitimate contenders.

Old man jokes aside, is there any squad as consistent as the Spurs? Duncan, Manu, Parker and crew are aging like fine wine, and have some new grapes to add to the fermentation.

3. San Antonio Spurs

The San Antonio Spurs have been the ideal portrait of consistency over the past decade and frequently the recipients of those 'old guy' jokes because they never seem to die. That said, over the latter half of the decade, the Spurs have actually gotten a lot younger. Guys like George Hill, DeJuan Blair, and 2010 draftee James Anderson all look like they'll be able to contribute to the wiley veteran core of the Spurs. The one caveat for the Spurs is whether they'll be able to fight off the injury bug this year. Both Manu and Tony Parker were out for substantial time with those nagging injuries that seem to always take the offseason to heal. From the lack of noise they made in the preseason it would be easy to count the Spurs out, but when have the Spurs every been about the sizzle more than the steak? Gregg Popovich's teams always seem to be prepared when that 1st out of 82 games start, and Tim Duncan is as efficient as ever, with the once-perrenial MVP candidate gearing down his game and getting more fundamental than ever. Are the Spurs as good as the Lakers? Probably not. But we all know San Antonio's only prerogative is the postseason, where they've been for the entire decade. It's for that reason they're at number 3.

The window is closing quickly for Dirk and the Mavs. Can they capitalize on solid veteran role players or will they crumble in the Playoffs again?

4. Dallas Mavericks

Dallas has been my favorite time for a while now, but has always been the butt of the choke jokes. The Mavs have perfected the art of reloading the same roster by trying to plug different players around their MVP candidate Dir Nowitzki. Dirk is the picture of consistency, and Jason Kidd has aged like a fine wine, with improving 3-point range and his cerebral play-making. That said, it's hard to see Dallas beating the three teams above them consistently. They bring back Caron Butler, Jason Terry, Shawn Marion and Brendan Haywood for another crack at the West title. That team would have been amazing... 4 years ago. I think Mark Cuban has gotten a little too content with scouring the free agent wire and trade circuit, rather than building his team the old fashioned way. While the Mavs have considerable talent in rookie Dominique Jones, and their young point guard Roddy Beabois, they don't have the firepower to contend and their championship window is closing faster than Caron's Mountain Dew addiction. It won't be enough to be just good for Dallas. If they want to beat the Lakers and the other titans of the league, it's going to take great defense and mental fortitude, which the Mavs have lacked every year since Dwyane Wade took it to them in 2006.

Blake Griffin is for real. B-Diddy looks like he's 26 again. Can the other L.A. team turn a decade full of frowns upside down?

5. Los Angeles Clippers

This is my surprise pick in the West. I said it. The Los Angeles Clippers will be a PLAYOFF TEAM in 2011. And that's for one reason only: Blake Griffin. The Oklahoma rookie is back from the knee injury that made him miss his true rookie season and has looked dominant in the preseason. Griffin doesn't look like a man who's had knee surgery, catching alley-oops from a rejuvenated Baron Davis. Speaking of B-Diddy, he always seems to have these two year spurts where he looks like an All-Star, and this year seems like the beginning of another of those spurts. When I look at the Clippers though, I see a deep roster, with Chris Kaman (most underrated player in the league), Eric Gordon, Craig Smith, DeAndre Jordan, and Randy Foye all looking to contribute. Add to that, they've got some serious young talent in rookies Al-Farooq Aminu, Eric Bledsoe and Willie Warren. I think if the Clippers can rally around Griffin, they're going to surprise a lot of teams. If they can get consistent production from the wings, then the Clippers will be very hard to defend and even harder to prepare for. Look out, because Blake Griffin will put you favorite player on a poster by the end of the year, while the Clips make it to the postseason as the 5th best in the West.

Chauncey: I know what you did last summer...
Melo: I know what I'm about to do this summer!

6. Denver Nuggets

The Denver Nuggets are in a serious state of flux. With all of the speculation around Carmelo Anthony and whether he will even be a Nugget, there's a silent anxiety around this organization. Of course, Chauncey Billups, Nene, JR Smith, Kenyon Martin, Ty Lawson and Chris Andersen will do what they've been doing, but it seems like this team was a chicken with its head cut off without George Karl. If his presence is what's holding them together, then I have little faith that the Nuggets will make it out of the first round. They added Al Harrington, who is a more athletic and streakier Linas Kleiza, as well as a rejuvenated Shelden Williams, but neither of those players are true game-changers for a roster set in its ways. The Nuggets will win and lose as Carmelo's success comes, which isn't the way to go, especially in the West. The bottom teams in this conference are too good to take a night off, which Denver does a LOT. Yes, the Nuggets will make the playoffs, but I feel like they're the West's version of the Atlanta Hawks, a team that didn't do much to improve.

The Jazz now belong to Deron Williams (and his beard)... Can the addition of Al Jefferson make a difference in Salt Lake City?

7. Utah Jazz

I've said this for years now, and will stand by it until someone unequivocally proves me wrong: Deron Williams is the best point guard in the league. Chris Paul only gets the nod from the world because Williams plays in one of the smallest markets in the league. The Utah Jazz are his team, now that Carlos 'undersized center' Boozer has moved on to Chicago. That said, his departure opened up a spot for Al Jefferson to make his mark in Salt Lake City. Jefferson has been waiting to break out, and now that he has a proven point man in Williams to deliver the ball to him, his game should jump to a new level. The Jazz retained the services of Mehmet Okur, whose jump shooting as a big man should open up a lot of space for Williams and Jefferson to work. Add to that a healthy Kirilenko as the defensive glue, and you've got a trademark Jerry Sloan squad. Sloan is synonymous with squeezing the most out of his players through disciplined play and clutch defense, so the lack of 'star' players doesn't bother me as much as the lack of depth. The Jazz, while adding promising rookie Gordon Hayward, and veterans Raja Bell and Earl Watson are an injury away from disaster. Any hits they take will hit their wins and losses right in the stomach.

Yao Ming's foot should be the next body part to get the Twitter treatment.. Doesn't mean he'll be able to be the centerpiece that the Rockets need...

8. Houston Rockets

This last spot was a toss-up for me because the bottom half of the West is that muddled. The Rockets are eighth in the West because they have great depth. Yao Ming is far from a sure thing at center because of his nagging injuries, but they've got a solid backup in Brad Miller. Kevin Martin is the same way, but the Rockets have guys like Chase Budinger, Courtney Lee, and Shane Battier, who can provide the same production. In fact, Aaron Brooks is just about the surest thing on this team. Brooks, last year's Most Improved Player, is a poised offensive threat with a deadly stroke from the three, which makes up for his diminutive size. Behind them, Houston has solid role players like Chuck Hayes, Luis Scola and Kyle Lowry. These parts are all good, but not great, which puts them ahead of teams like Sacramento, Phoenix and Golden State, but way behind the other 7 teams on this list. I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't make the playoffs, but they're definitely the last good team left. Whether or not they can make noise in the West is dependent on Yao Ming's foot, and nothing more...

2010-2011 NBA Season Preview: Eastern Conference

Yes, people. It is my favorite time of the year. Football season is in full swing, baseball season is finally coming to a close and yes, the basketball season is upon us. We're well in store for another season of dunks, jumpers and great NBA action, and Dear Whoever is here to sift through the clutter for you.

Our season preview starts in the Eastern Conference, where there's been a huge shift in power since last year. Let's check out the 8 best teams in the East, where they stand and who's got the juice out East Hit the jump to see them:

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Don't know what you guys are looking up to... You're the bests of the East until proven otherwise.

1. Boston Celtics
Yes, I said it. The Boston Celtics are the best team in the Eastern Conference at the beginning of the season. To be concise, you're not the man until you beat the man, and no other team in the Eastern Conference could dethrone the Celts last year on another run to the Eastern Conference crown. Yes, the Big 3 is older. Yes, Shaq and Jermaine O'Neal's careers are surviving through a respirator. No, Rajon Rondo will not have a jump shot by season's end. All of those do not matter. The Celtics have one of the best defenses in the league, and have added major depth through free agency, signing Delonte "Yo Mama", the two O'Neals, and scorer Von Wafer. Not to mention, they've still got Kendrick Perkins (underrated defensively; he kept Dwight Howard in check), as well as drafting sharpshooter Luke Harangody, and Doc Rivers on the sidelines. Everyone's waiting for the Celtics to drop off. They shouldn't hold their breath.

It takes more than 3 players to win a championship, but with these three, does it even matter who else is on the roster?

2. Miami Heat
Yes, yes, y'all. The story of the offseason. The Monstarr-esque triumvirate (look it up) put together by Pat Riley in the greatest coup in NBA history, Dwyane Wade, LeBron James and Chris Bosh will most definitely inspire fear in most teams before they even step onto the court. What makes this squad even scarier though is the role players they've accrued in this same summer. Along with holding onto Udonis 'the Man in Florida' Haslem, the Heat pretty much got Zydrunas Ilgauskus with LeBron, signed veterans Eddie House, Juwan Howard, Jamaal Magloire, and picked up Mike Miller. Miller is definitely the most underrated pickup of the offseason. With the amount of attention the Heat's Big 3 will get, Miller is going to find himself open... A LOT. He should shoot a ridiculous percentage with both James and Wade feeding him the ball. Add two promising rookies in DeSean Butler and Dexter Pittman to that equation and you've got a solid rotation around Wade, Bosh and James. The Heat are going to be scary good. We won't put them ahead of the Celtics yet, for posterity's sake, but I'm sure Boston can feel Miami right behind them.

Can Boozer bring some boom back to the Bulls, or will he just bust?

3. Chicago Bulls
The Chicago Bulls were a major player in the LeBron, Bosh and Wade sweepstakes, but only managed to come up with Carlos Boozer, which isn't a bad consolation prize in the least bit. Carlos Boozer joins a Chicago Bulls team that overachieved simply off grit, hard work and great defense. Bringing Boozer into a frontcourt with Joakim Noah is going to pay dividends immediately for Boozer, who's coming from a Utah team where he usually played the center. Not anymore. Noah's presence allows Boozer to move back to his natural 4 spot, where he will fluorish, even if he'll be out for a little while with a broken hand The Bulls also have this really good guard... I think his name is... Derrick Rose! Rose is already a phenom, and according to NBA reports, has been working on his jumper consistently over the summer, which should only make him more deadly of a scorer. The Bulls also have talented role-players in Luol Deng, Taj Gibson, and free agent signee Kyle Korver. This Bulls team looks really good on paper, and should jump a few spots this season.

LeBron's going to take much more than the basketball away from you if you don't work on those post moves, Dwight...

4. Orlando Magic

That's right. The Orlando Magic are only the 4th-best team in the Eastern Conference simply because they didn't do much to get better over the summer. Don't get me wrong. They're not bad, at all. Yet, Stan Van Gundy's squad looks eerily similar to the teams of the past two years that were trounced in the Playoffs. Of course they've got Dwight Howard, who's spent another summer 'working' on his post moves. Yes they've got Vince Carter, who's another year older and another year weaker. And yes they've got Rashard Lewis, whose game has regressed further and further during his stay in Orlando. Looking at the Magic, the only bright spot I can see is Jameer Nelson getting better. Nelson was unstoppable during the Playoffs last year, lighting up Raymond Felton and Mike Bibby on the way to the Eastern Finals, and will look to take a greater role in Orlando this year. The Magic added Quentin Richardson, whose weight will balloon up again now that he can camp out on the three point line, and Chris Duhon, who will take his inefficacy elsewhere after two terrible years in New York. Will it be that same old Magic that wins in the regular season, but folds in the Playoffs? We will see.

Scary combination when those two are playing at their best in the backcourt, but the front court will be what drives this team to the Playoffs.

5. Washington Wizards
The first true surprise on this list, the Washington Wizards, have put last year's abysmal season behind them and come back with a new face to complement the old face of the franchise. John Wall is the REAL DEAL. Anyone who's watched him play over the summer or in the preseason can see how nasty this man is. Now that he's paired up with a reformed Agent Zero, it will be interesting to see what the ceiling is for Wall's phenomenal talent. That's not even the main reason I have the Wiz up so high. The real reason is their frontcourt. The Wizards' two big men, Andray Blatche and JaVale McGee are STARS in the making. Blatche reminds me of Kevin Garnett with his ability to score and JaVale McGee is simply a freak of nature at 7-1 with guard-like leaping ability. The Wizards also solidified their rotation, bringing in Yi JianLian, Kirk Hinrich and Al Thornton to complement Josh Howard, Nick Young and Hilton Armstrong. When the Wizards do shock the Eastern Conference, don't say I didn't tell you so.

Jennings might not even know how to say Bogut's last name. Their chemistry on the court certainly hasn't taken a hit...

6. Milwaukee Bucks

If there's one team in the NBA that no one is talking about, but really should be talking about, it is the Milwaukee Bucks. After a promising rookie season, the Bucks point guard Brandon Jennings is poised to make more noise, but the centerpiece to this team is their oft-underrated center Andrew Bogut. I will go as far as to say that Bogut is the best center in the Eastern Conference. More skilled and consistent than Dwight Howard, had Bogut not been injured in last year's Playoffs against Atlanta, the Bucks would have a lot more buzz around them. John Salmons is as good as ever, using a very Paul Pierce-esque game to score efficiently, adding to their allure. Those players aren't the only reasons I have the Bucks up here. Scott Skiles brought in a host of solid, wiley veterans to complement those three like Drew Gooden, Corey Maggette and Keyon Dooling. Let's also not forget that the Bucks have a shooter by the name of Michael Redd, who will get some minutes, even as he works with no knees. The Bucks have a team full of understated go-getters and it shows in how well they play under the radar. Hopefully that won't be the case, this year.

Those frowns won't be turning upside down for a while if the Hawks don't get some new blood on that roster...

7. Atlanta Hawks
There is always one team at the beginning of the NBA season scheduled for a huge drop-off from the success of previous seasons. That team is the Atlanta Hawks, simply because they did NOTHING to get better over the offseason. Wait... They actually did make one move: signing Joe Johnson to a 6-year $120 million head-scratcher of a deal. Now, this wouldn't be so bad if Johnson hadn't already reached the ceiling of his potential at age 29. As a Hawk, yes Johnson's been successful, but the Arkansas product has a knack for shrinking in big games that has cost Atlanta dearly. Not to mention, the Hawks have the same undersized frontcourt and lack of playmaking options that have plagued them for years. Al Horford, Marvin Williams and Josh Smith are already what they are going to be in their NBA careers, while Mike Bibby continues to be a liability on defense and little more than a three point-chucking paperweight on offense. Jamal Crawford isn't happy with his contract, and though exciting, won't be the deciding factor for the Hawks. Atlanta is the same team that Boston blew out in Game 7 of 2007 and that Orlando swept last year. A coaching change with no personnel moves will ensure that, and the Hawks have slipped accordingly.

A'Mare can't be the only Knick to show up if Donnie Walsh's exit strategy from Isaiah's debacle is going to work...

8. New York Knicks
Yes, I said it Knick fans. The New York Knicks will make the playoffs in 2011. However, that is not because they are the 8th best team in the Eastern Conference. It is because no other team under them seems to have the potential to vault them into this 8th spot. The Knicks have one of the most exciting, yet risky, rosters on paper. Adding A'Mare Stoudemire this summer was tantamount to a shot of adrenaline to a dead basketball scene in New York. Bringing in Anthony Randolph, Ronny Turiaf and Kelenna Azubuike is the bandaging to a wounded spirit. And signing Raymond Felton... Well, it's a start. The point is, the Knicks are finally building a nucleus of talent that ISN'T the debacle of players that Isaiah Thomas tried to pass off as a team. The Knickerbockers should be exciting to watch under the tutelage of Mike D'Antoni, and have some intriguing pieces in swingman Wilson Chandler, sharpshooter Danilo Gallinari, combo guard Toney Douglass, and the Russian center that came out of nowhere, Timofey Mozgov. Whether or not the team will be able to string together some wins in D'Antoni's high offense, no defense system is still an unknown. They're still better than the Nets, Bobcats, Sixers, Cavs, Pistons, Pacers and Raptors, though.

Whew... There you have it people; a rundown of the potential Playoff-bound teams in the Eastern Conference. I hope there's no love lost for the seven squads that didn't make it. The Eastern Conference is stacking up again, much like the West was doing in the earlier part of the decade. Check back in the next few days for more NBA posts, including the Western Conference preview, my picks for this year's awards and a few more surprises. I LOVE THIS GAME!!!

NBA 2K11 Trailer

*wipes drool off chin* I am an NBA 2K veteran. Yes, I said it. A veteran. I've been playing NBA 2K exclusively since 2000, when it graced its basketball goodness on the now-dead Dreamcast. I remember heads clowning it for years, only to come around two years ago, when they realized NBA Live Elite was doo. That said, I've been waiting for years to see Michael Jordan grace the best NBA video game out. That year is upon us. October 5th marks the release date for the 11th edition of NBA 2K, and I for one, cannot wait. Just check out the trailer and see how incredibly dope this game looks...

Dear Michael Jordan (re: The Decision)

When an innovator, originator or all-time great speaks on the current state of their field of expertise, you listen. Point. Blank. Period. No matter how sick you are of hearing about the event, that great's words matter, not because they'll have any bearing on the situation. Those words matter because it's essentially a view from the top. It's like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs or Eric Schmidt speaking on the state of computing, or Joe Montana speaking on football, or Jimmie Dean (RIP) speaking on breakfast meats. That's why I don't get why people are so up in arms about your comments regarding the LeBron-athon and the free agency free-for-all over the past few weeks. Michael, simply put, you are the best to ever play the game of basketball (readers, let's not get into the debate; Kobe is still playing). That said, I think you'd know a thing or two about the game and how differences in generations would change the game.

Michael, your comments make perfect sense. While one can't not respect LeBron and company for hopping onto the Dwyane Wade bandwagon in Miami, you've got to question the cojones on some of these guys. You're right!! Back in your day (sad that we can say that now) you wouldn't have had Larry Bird and Magic Johnson hitting you up to form a New World Order. Patrick Ewing wouldn't have based his free agent signing on wherever you were going. Charles Barkley would've laughed you out of town had you suggested that you guys team up. I suppose what the NBA is losing with these multi-million dollar deals and hour-long free agent specials, is simple: competition. Think about it MJ.. When you were playing, did the term 'contract year' even exist? Players didn't lounge for 3 years and then decide to turn it on the year their contract was up. They proved their worth on a night-to-night basis. Players went up and at each other. There were rivalries... REAL rivalries, with bad blood, heated words and hard fouls to prove it. Players might have been friends off the court, but their pride wouldn't allow them to make nice on the court. In your day, there wouldn't have been 'Three Kings' in Miami. Those three guys would have had to make their own ways in their respective cities. The advent of free agency took the heart right out of the NBA.

Much like your comments, Mike, this isn't a shot at LeBron. This is just a basketball fan fearing the worst: that the underdog will become a dying breed... that the powers that be (ie: David Stern, the shareholders, and their wallets) will prevail over the game and art of basketball... Even more I fear that competition, true competition between great players will dwindle because they'll all be on the same team. Where's the fun in that? LeBron and his personal dream team will be fun to watch. Yet, the best basketball experiences involve NOT knowing who was going to be in the big dance come May. Your era was the last to exhibit raw, unadulterated, bitter competition. The way it's looking, the NBA Champs will be one of 4 teams for the next 10 years. If that doesn't make you as a basketball fan a little salty, Mike, I don't know what does. Then again, I suppose running the Charlotte Bobcats (as futile as it may become soon) is all the competition you need. Good luck fighting the power, Mike. You'll need it...

The Next Basketball Phenom

I thought it would be only right to post this considering we're witnessing the advent of one former phenom into the limelight. Then again, you have to admit that it's a bit sick how society, or sporting society, is weeding out the prodigies at younger and younger ages. Dakota Simms is only 9 years old, yet is being looked at for college basketball already. He's ridiculously talented for his age, but does that mean we should start to sap the fun out of his livelihood and start surrounding him with people who only care about him because of a gift? Dakota looks like he would love nothing more than to shoot around and dribble all day. The business side of sports should have no business in his business at this point. At the same time, it's still exciting to see what the future of the sport of basketball holds. I'm thinking a 7-year $500 million deal in 2025. Something tells me Dakota and the young man below will be seeing a lot of each other down the road. Check out both of the next to be next up in basketball...

Dear LeBron James

You couldn't have come up with a more generic and boring name... Where are your PR people?

I never thought we'd come to a day in the NBA again where one player's moves and leanings superseded that of the rest of the league. That said, I can remember when Michael Jordan was the game of basketball, and I gladly accepted that ideology, along with copious amounts of his sneakers and memorabilia. That's not the case for you LeBron. While I'm in sheer awe of your athleticism and ridiculous aptitude for the game of basketball, it's really disconcerting to see how you've turned something as simple as signing a damn contract into a 3 week long LeBron-athon. It's ridiculous. We've been hearing about this vaunted 'Summer of 2010' since 2008, and I'm honestly sick of it. Detox doesn't have that much hype, and it's probably never coming out. But seriously, LeBron, you need to just sign with a team and end all of this hoopla. Now that Chris Bosh has effectively latched himself onto Dwyane Wade's member, it's looking like wherever you go, you will be the main man. If that's the case, there's no excuse for you not to ball out of control in the upcoming season.

Sure, you just joined Twitter, but what's with you contributing to the media firestorm by joining at this time and then scheduling a press conference tomorrow? It's like you're trying to make this whole process into a ridiculous climax, when we all know a week afterward, most people will be just 'mehhh' about it (especially if you're not on their team). Why couldn't you be like the homie Kevin Durant? That man signed a 5-year extension worth $85 million, and we barely heard about it. Hell, if I didn't check my Twitter randomly at 10 this morning, I might not have even known! LeBron, I'm not trying to deter you from having fun with the whole process. In fact, I lauded the fact that you weren't going on a 10-city tour like the rest of the free agents, and basically turning the country into the United States of LeBron. It's just that you milking the process is getting really really old. Whatever the case, LeBron, tomorrow is D-Day. Wherever you end up, you're going to be the best player, so does it really matter anymore? And better yet, wherever you end up, are you remotely guaranteed to be close to a championship? I doubt it...

EDIT: Apparently Bron Bron is donating the proceeds from his LeBron-athon to the Boys & Girls Club of America. That's pretty commendable. You can't even be mad at that, though it's still chump change compared to what he's going to make no matter where he signs...

2010 NBA Draft Sleepers

Today, as far as I am concerned, is the beginning of a new season in the NBA. New rookies will replace the old ones, free agency and trades will mix the teams up some more, and the NBA landscape will be a completely different one than it was a week ago. In fact, besides the actual start of the season, the draft is one of the most exciting times of the NBA year. Yes I sound like a basketball junkie, but the NBA Draft doesn't come without its fair share of idiocy. It happens every draft in every sport. There's always this overwhelming hype that surrounds the act of picking a new player for a squad. That said, I'm kind of tired of it. Every year, basketball pundits talk about the top 10 picks in the draft like they'll be the best in the NBA 4 years from now, when that's almost never the case. As a matter of fact, I've yet to see a draft (other than 2003) that had dope players from 1 through 5. This year, we're going to take a look at the talent outside of the lottery picks, because while this is a mediocre year, there are some gems hidden in the draft pool. Check this year's sleepers out...

Paul George

This kid is NICE. I tried to find an NBA comparison to put with Pauly, and all I could come up with is a slightly less athletic version of T-Mac (pre-Houston). George just looks like he belongs on a basketball court, swooping in and scoring on you effortlessly. In fact, I'd say that Paul George might very well be the best player out of this draft in 5 years. I'm dead serious. He's got inhuman length and is a solid defender, though he needs to add some muscle (what NBA prospect doesn't nowadays?). Other than that, and a tendency to goof around more than Max at a Powerline concert, Paul George has All-Star written on his forehead...

Craig Brackins

Ten years ago, Craig Brackins would've been a top-10 pick. I say that to show that the NBA, and basketball are cyclical. Ten years ago, the likes of Rasheed Wallace, Kevin Garnett & Dirk Nowitzki were the 'in' thing: big men who could play the guards game, but still bang around in the post. Now that those guys are in the twilights (the end for Sheed) of their careers, it's the big men like Dwight Howard, A'mare Stoudemire & Al Jefferson in the limelight. The latter of these two groups are the bruisers, the big men whose livelihood is in the paint, and that's it. It's for that reason Craig Brackins is going to be a good look in the NBA. He has a touch from 15-20 feet out that I haven't seen from a young big man since Dirk stepped onto the court with the bucks. Add to that the perfect size for an NBA power forward and solid footwork, and you've got your starter for the next 8 years...

Jordan Crawford

Jordan Crawford, Jordan Crawford... OHHHHHHH!!! You mean the Jordan Crawford that dunked on LeBron James, Jordan Crawford?? Yes, that Jordan Crawford. In addition to having a lot of fame on the internets for a certain video that Nike didn't want to be released, Crawford was a scoring machine in his lone year at Xavier. He averaged 20 ppg during the season and almost 30 during the tournament. I'd liken him to another Crawford (Jamal), with a less developed handle. Nonetheless, Jordan is a natural scorer who can come on to any team and provide instant offense. I just like watching him shoot. The form and elevation on his jumper are some of the best I've seen in this draft class. Doesn't hurt to have a dunk on LeBron on your resume before the NBA, either (then again, how many people can even say they've done that?)...

The Choice is Yours (Hosted by Don Cannon)


The Choice is Yours (Hosted by Don Cannon)

Don Cannon is a freaking genius for this one. Just like every other sports-interested person on the planet, he and the rest of the rap world are all harping on where LeBron James will end up in the summer of 2010. The season isn't even over yet and already other players are making plans based on LeBron's nonexistent plans. It's as if he has everybody on a string. Regardless, the choice is ultimately up to one person, and that's #23 #6. That's the theme of this three-track mixtape hosted by Don Cannon, where he gets all of the free agents in rap to spit about why LeBron should come to their city. You've got Uncle Murda and Jadakiss (NYC), Mikey Rocks (CHI), Nipsey Hussle (LA), Chip Tha Ripper (CLE), Briscoe (NO) and UM (not sure?) all spitting basketball-related rhymes. Of all of them, Chip, Mikey and Jada did their thing over some dope Don Cannon instrumentals. Ironic that those are the three best cities for LeBron to land at. Guess we won't know until we know. Bump this until July 1st, when the madness will ensue. No #dopetracks or loosies, since it's a three-song tape. Just enjoy...

Dear Washington Wizards

The end of an era...

via The New York Times:
The machine that swirls the Ping-Pong balls does not have a conscience or sympathy, just a rush of air and a low hum. Occasionally, however, a little karma seeps out when the motor starts for the N.B.A. draft lottery.

The Washington Wizards, who endured the most chaotic and controversy-filled season in their history, were rewarded for their suffering Tuesday night, when the balls delivered them the No. 1 pick in the draft — and the chance to draft the Kentucky point guard John Wall.

“Obviously, we needed something like this,” Ernie Grunfeld, the Wizards’ team president, said. “It gives the franchise hope.”

Perhaps no team needed it more. Gilbert Arenas, the Wizards’ franchise player, served a 50-game suspension for felony gun possession after a locker-room confrontation with a teammate. They traded their two remaining stars, Caron Butler and Antawn Jamison, in mid-February, plunging them into a rebuilding effort after starting the season as a presumed playoff team.

It's been a long, long, looooooooooooong season for you guys. From thinking you were going to be a playoff team in the beginning of the year, to damn near having a 'shootout' (most people know the news blew it out of proportion), to unloading the three best (we later found out Andray Blatche was a player himself) players, to basically tanking for the rest of the season, you guys had one of the worst seasons in terms of publicity. Now, you guys lucked the hell out by nabbing the first pick in this year's draft, and by that virtue, the righ to the consensus #1 player, John Wall. I'm not going to lie, John Wall is impressive. He has superb athleticism, a natural feel for the game and an unmatched charisma on the court. Plus he has a really funny dance, which only comes around once in a blue moon. (where's Jamal Anderson with the Dirty Bird when you need him?. Even so, he might not be the right pick for you guys.

Check the dance and some highlights..

Everyone and their mom is saying that Wall is automatically the #1 pick. Somehow, I'm not convinced. Watching Evan Turner play the game is like watching Prince on a stage with a bunch of instruments: no matter how crazy he looks, he's always in control. Whereas John Wall tended to take plays off because he had a college all-star team with him, Turner really was the only player worth talking about on his Ohio State Buckeye team. Whereas John Wall is streaky and turnover prone (every good prospect is in college, really), Evan Turner was damn near perfect towards the end of games. Whereas we've seen just a year of John Wall at a higher level, we've seen Evan Turner grow every year into a DOMINANT player. The man was a triple-double machine, with amazing intangibles, a quiet lead-by-example style and the resolve of a brick wall (haha, nice little pun).

I guess the point I'm trying to make, Wizards, is that you shouldn't always believe the hype. Believe what you see. Believe the statistics, believe the intangibles, and your gut feelings. Who knows? In 10 years, we could be talking about just Wall, just Turner, or maybe even both. Drafting is such an inexact science, that I don't think I've seen anyone master. That said, it's just as easy to pick one over the other. But just think about your team. Do you really want another livewire, somewhat loose, inexperienced point guard, or a floor general. If there's one thing that you guys were missing, it was leadership. Evan Turner has a presence that belies his maturity. John Wall has a dance. I guess it's up to you guys. We sure as hell will be hearing about it a lot until June 24th...

Dear Phoenix Suns


via Bright Side of the Sun:
In an extremely bold move, the Phoenix Suns as an organization made a strong political statement in opposition to the recent Arizona immigration bill. Discussions on taking action began last week after the bill passed, with an idea that came from Robert Sarver, Managing Partner of the Phoenix Suns. According to Steve Kerr, the team discussed it internally before going to the league for approval to both wear the 'Los Suns' jerseys, but also to come out publicly in this way.

Kerr said both the NBA and the San Antonio Spurs were fully supportive of the Suns move. Ultimately, the decision was left up to the players, but in a locker room led by Steve Nash, it is no surprise how that turned out.

"I think the law is very misguided. I think it is unfortunately to the detriment to our society and our civil liberties and I think it is very important for us to stand up for things we believe in," Nash said of the bill. "I think the law obviously can target opportunities for racial profiling. Things we don't want to see and don't need to see in 2010."

I've always got on the NBA for too often taking the more conservative of stances when faced with polarizing issues. Whether it's a restrictive dress code, off-the-court conduct or what have you, the NBA has typically leaned toward the safer choices, keeping their stockholders happy and their players placated. That's not the case for tonight. I'm proud to say that you, the Phoenix Suns have taken a stand against Arizona's SB 1070, which is amicably being called the 'Racial Profiling Law'. Political stances aside, I think that you as a franchise are doing the right thing. Not only does the NBA have a major Hispanic population in the playing ranks, you have two of the more recognizable Hispanic faces in the league in Leandro Barbosa and Robin Lopez. Neither of them are winning MVP anytime soon, but in a state who's Hispanic population is growing faster than that of any other cultural group, that's big. Your franchise is in the 2nd round of the NBA Playoffs, and while there are bigger fish to fry, it's nice to see that the cultural issues of this sometimes idiotic country are on your minds too. It also doesn't hurt that you guys are playing another team with Hispanic fans. Hopefully Los Spurs end up getting destroyed by Los Suns...

ESPN x Allen Iverson

If you haven't seen it by now, ESPN's 30 for 30 series is crack. The series brings filmmakers together with sports to chronicle the lesser known and more controversy-riddled stories in the history of sports. The last one was a riveting highlight of the intense rivalry between the Pacers and Knicks in the early 1990's. Coupled with hip-hop music and first-person narratives from those involved (Reggie Miller, Patrick Ewing, Larry Brown, Pat Riley, John Starks, etc.), the movie showed younger fans what the NBA used to be like. Regardless, 30 for 30 is set to take on another basketball story tonight: that of Allen Iverson. Not too many people remember the trouble that plagued The Answer just 3 years before he took the NBA by storm. Filmmaker Steve James returned to his hometown of Hampton to document the bowling alley brawl that almost put Iverson behind bars, as well as the brawl's effect on the racial affairs of Hampton, and on Iverson himself. From the trailer, you can tell it's going to be a pretty heated affair. It's definitely going to spark some discussion and paint AI in a different light than many know him now...

Dear VH1 (re: Basketball Wives)

Let me say this before I go on: I hate reality television. A) It's barely reality. In fact, the only things that might be real are the names and locations. Other than that its scripts and typecasting. B) It encourages people to lay down their scruples and shame in lieu of some fast cash and 5 minutes of fame. Aspiring actors and models see reality TV as a highway to fame when it's really a deathtrap. C) Reality TV turns people into leeches. Heads really walk around talking about Real & Chance, or Hot Wangz or whoever like these people's lives matter in the long run. Not to say that they're insignificant, but do they really deserve 40 minutes of our time on Sunday nights? I think not.

One of the main culprits of the reality TV takeover is you, VH1. You started out as a music channel, slowly switching your programming up to music specials, to specials with musicians in them, to specials about musicians and their ridiculous lifestyles, to plain old lifestyle TV, the worst of which is reality TV. Your latest foray is 'Basketball Wives,' a show documenting the trials, tribulation and hardships scripted drama, lack of substance and idiocy, of some of the National Basketball Association's best and brightest mediocre yet fame-hungry players. You guys picked a doozy of a concept this time. Not only will there be tons of rich, yet ignorant black people (on the network that refuses to show hip-hop or R&B consistently), you found a way to include basketball!!

But seriously though, VH1. Is this the best you could come up with? After quality (sarcasm) TV like Flava of Love and For the Love of Ray J, you guys take Shaq's ex-wife, Dwight Howard's crazy baby momma, and the exes/significant others of Michael Olowokandi (bust), Antoine Walker (compulsive gambler) and Eric Williams (joruneyman/benchwarmer) and make a reality show about it? Along with being a ridiculous premise, you guys got 'wives' with the depth of a kiddie pool, and inject storylines about groupies, loneliness and money. I'm sorry, VH1, but that is the saddest excuse for a reality TV show ever. If you think I give two flying f*cks about where some trophy wife goes to get her quiche every Tuesday, you're sadly mistaken. As a matter of fact, I'd be hard pressed to find any half-sentient human being who would seriously watch this. Actually, on second thought, this show is probably going to have skyrocketing ratings. You guys have successfully mastered the art of peddling pointless bullshit and making exorbitant amounts of money doing it. At this point, it'd be more surprising if no one watched it, than if people did. Ahh well, VH1, I guess if this venture fails, we can go back to watching I Love New York #7 and hope this year's Hip-Hop Honors doesn't suck...

Barack vs. The Bracket

As you may or not (but should) know, President Obama is an avid basketball fan, and has made this the second year that he publicly fills out his bracket for the 2010 NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament. Barry doesn't disappoint me, and picks the Jayhawks from Kansas as the National Champs. However, he does have a few questionable picks and upsets on his bracket. The President even admits that he royally f*cked up last year in the first round, although he picked the eventual winner in North Carolina. Check out the rest of Barry's picks and see what the Commander-in-Chief has to say about some of the top teams in the country...