Everic White

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Dear Representative Wilson


via The New York Times:
In an angry and very audible outburst, Representative Joe Wilson, Republican of South Carolina, interrupted President Obama’s speech Wednesday night with a shout of “You lie!”

Though he later apologized, his eruption — in response to Mr. Obama’s statement that Democratic health proposals would not cover illegal immigrants — stunned members of both parties in the House chamber.

Democrats said it showed lack of respect for the office of the presidency and was reminiscent of Republican disruptions at recent public forums on health care.

The picture says it all. South Carolina is really tripping over their own feet this summer. Not only do you have adulterers finding their soulmates in South America, now you have Tourette's sufferers in your state government. But seriously, is that not the shout heard round the world in terms of the health care debate? You, Mr. Wilson, a conservative representative from South Carolina, make a random outburst, most likely out of frustration at President Obama's smooth and veritable speech. That outburst might have just saved the health care reform, with the conservatives resorting to whining and spreading misinformation at town halls, and now disrespecting the President in front of Congress and the Nation.

What's even funnier than the faces on two representatives next to you, is the fact that Obama wouldn't even hear your apology after the speech was over. He just gave you 'the look' and kept it moving like a real G (the first and only time you'll hear me refer to someone as a G). You're like the kid on the playground that got joked on every day, and then yelled the WORST yo mama joke EVER; now you just look dumb. And not to mention, the uproar of boos afterward was priceless. I wish they had a picture of you, most likely cowering in your seat, when you realized that your shout wouldn't cause a slow clap. Last but not least, Rep. Wilson, this incident probably is going to cost your reelection. In the eight hours after your own personal PR disaster, campaign donations to your probable opponent, Rob Miller topped $100,000. But I suppose you'll get over the screw-up. You and your Republican homies have endured worse. Osama bin Laden is still on a milk carton, and the only weapon of mass destruction we've found is your mouth...
