Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Filtering by Tag: Fail

Dear Cynical Rap Fans

Bun tore this guy a new one and made this message clear: Respect the MC, especially if you can't do it.

One of my friends dropped a serious gem on me a few weeks back: being a blogger (especially dealing with music or sports) is essentially being a professional hater. Now all you bloggers and hip-hop fans out there, let that statement sink in and marinate for a few seconds. As a blogger or a rap fan, you specialize in hating. You might very well love and adore a few acts, genres and movement among the greater movement of hip-hop, yet a great deal of your time is spent actively, vehemently and vocally disliking other entities, if not for page views and ratings, then for e-props and an ego boost. That said, I can't even distance myself from that bug. This blog, in many a post, has been a forum for airing out my grievances with issues in rap, rather than bigging up those that I side with. The whole hip-hop universe is riddled with hate, from angry Twitter rants from artists and fans alike (guilty), to random beefs, to the blogs themselves being partial. It's as if we've forgotten the fact that hip-hop was supposed to be fun at one point. Gone is the jovial, gregarious nature of the inner-city art form, as hip-hop becomes cold, impersonal and pugnacious behind computer screens. You'd think that at a showcase of the purest form of hip-hop congregation, the freestyle battle, heads would be able to chime in on the victors without the jeering and hate coming from the crowd. That clearly wasn't the case.

Bun B is the trillest. Point blank. If you have any questions as to why all of his albums include the word 'trill', it is because Bun is simply trill. That's why you can't be mad at Bun issuing a challenge to one of you, a cynical, hating, hip-hop concert dweller, probably fresh off his millionth listen to Atmosphere's 'Overcast' and donning his traditional backpack. As a cynical hip-hop fan, this fool jeered and taunted the contestants from the crowd for the whole show, only to be called out on stage by The Trill One and fumble over a really, really shitty freestyle. That freestyle, and the deafening boos from the crowd not only gave him a first class ticket to the exit, they showed the dangers of being a hater.

Cynical hip-hop fans, how many of you can rap? ...I mean really rap. How many of you can piece together a verse over a beat, or write an ill chorus, or go off the top of the dome in a battle? How many of you can rock a crowd and have thousands singing along to your songs? *crickets* My guess is few, if any of you; myself included. Too often do you find that the ones criticizing the art form the most are the least exceptional at that artform. They say those who can't do, critic, and those who can't critic simply sit on the sidelines giving sideways comments. We can all name at least one head whose life goal and prerogative is to rake muck at every possible instance. Unfortunately, not all of them have or will have the blessing of being publicly embarrassed by a hip-hop legend to humble them. That said, it's not really our job to put you in your place, oh scornful hip-hop fan. Where did all of this hate come from anyway? Whether you're a failed rapper, producer, or manager who started a blog, or you've had a hip-hop snob license for over a decade, keep the hate to a minimum, especially if you can't rap to save a second of your life. Lord knows I might have needed this letter more than you, to remind me not only that not everything has to be battle, but also to work on my freestyling, in the event that I ever do get called out. To you, oh cynical hip-hop fan, I hope the same wisdom be imparted. Maybe you'll get to see the show instead of getting booed out of the venue...

Redskins Special Teams runs a 'Special' Play

I have a lot of friends from DC, but even they can admit that this was, without a doubt, one of the DUMBEST playcalls EVER. The last time I saw the swinging gate run successfully, I was in 7th grade. What made Jim Zorn, or the Redskins special teams coach, think that this was a good idea? Your 1st string quarterback was getting eaten alive for the whole half. Your offensive line looked like a bunch of deer in front of an 18-wheeler. So, to remedy that, you guys decide to line your punter up behind center with half of the offensive line gone?? Not to mention, where was he passing that ball to?? He motioned the kicker out, and the play was most likely designed to go to him. Unfortunately, that throw ended up getting completed to the defense. I don't like to joke on teams unnecessarily, but you gotta admit, seeing that was hilarious...

When celebrations on ice go wrong...

Every hockey player on earth is making a vow right now to stay on his feet from now on. This dude just gave every high school physics class in America materials for days. You could blame his own ignorance, but it's much easier to peg whoever manufactured that window for the accident. I suppose now that we know the player is okay it's cool to laugh now. Laugh away...

Dear Kanye

So umm, I wasn't aware that the awards were up for debate this year, Kanye?? I don't think anyone else knew either. But seriously, this was unbelievable. Just when I thought you'd gone as far off the deep end as you could have gone last year when you started dating a former stripper, you pull this out. Not only did you manage to make yourself look like a jackass, you basically made Beyonce's win for Video of the Year look like a joke (not that the MTV Awards aren't a joke in the first place). Taylor Swift's reaction was priceless and what I would expect any young country singer to do if confronted with a heavily inebriated, highly egotistical rap star. But seriously, Ye, what in God's name was that? At least saying "George Bush doesn't care about black people" made some sense in a universal sense. This incident is like George Jefferson walking into a KKK meeting and slapping the leader. This was just utter disregard for social convention, which I'm actually a fan of, but time and place are always of the essence.

Twitter went into a feeding frenzy last night when this aired, and one of the things that people were saying is that it was 'sending black people back to slavery'. Kanye, you might have embarrased yourself and that stripper of a girlfriend, but don't take the Twitterverse's take on it. Black people were doomed from the moment Joe Jackson took the mic at the BET Awards. It just took you Punk'ing the Whitest Teenager in America for the rest of the world to know...

PS: What's good with your hair last night, man? Seriously, whichever barber is giving you cuts like these needs to be cut.. repeatedly...



Dear Representative Wilson


via The New York Times:
In an angry and very audible outburst, Representative Joe Wilson, Republican of South Carolina, interrupted President Obama’s speech Wednesday night with a shout of “You lie!”

Though he later apologized, his eruption — in response to Mr. Obama’s statement that Democratic health proposals would not cover illegal immigrants — stunned members of both parties in the House chamber.

Democrats said it showed lack of respect for the office of the presidency and was reminiscent of Republican disruptions at recent public forums on health care.

The picture says it all. South Carolina is really tripping over their own feet this summer. Not only do you have adulterers finding their soulmates in South America, now you have Tourette's sufferers in your state government. But seriously, is that not the shout heard round the world in terms of the health care debate? You, Mr. Wilson, a conservative representative from South Carolina, make a random outburst, most likely out of frustration at President Obama's smooth and veritable speech. That outburst might have just saved the health care reform, with the conservatives resorting to whining and spreading misinformation at town halls, and now disrespecting the President in front of Congress and the Nation.

What's even funnier than the faces on two representatives next to you, is the fact that Obama wouldn't even hear your apology after the speech was over. He just gave you 'the look' and kept it moving like a real G (the first and only time you'll hear me refer to someone as a G). You're like the kid on the playground that got joked on every day, and then yelled the WORST yo mama joke EVER; now you just look dumb. And not to mention, the uproar of boos afterward was priceless. I wish they had a picture of you, most likely cowering in your seat, when you realized that your shout wouldn't cause a slow clap. Last but not least, Rep. Wilson, this incident probably is going to cost your reelection. In the eight hours after your own personal PR disaster, campaign donations to your probable opponent, Rob Miller topped $100,000. But I suppose you'll get over the screw-up. You and your Republican homies have endured worse. Osama bin Laden is still on a milk carton, and the only weapon of mass destruction we've found is your mouth...


Aubrey, please just shut up

Now, I believe in freedom of speech, but this chick needs to be lobotomized for her stupidity before she can speak. Fine as she is (not taking into account how much of a schmeeze she is), she is as dumb as a rock. Hitler and Castro probably wouldn't even accept the cosign. I know I don't. What's even funnier than Aubrey's lack of sense is that the rest of the cast didn't even want to acknowledge her. You know you're career is over when not even Fox News can bang with you...