Everic White

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Dear Public Option Opponents

It the man, man!!!

via The New York Times:
The widely awaited budget analysis of a pending Senate health care bill indicates that the legislation would meet President Obama’s cost target and would reduce future federal deficits by a deeper amount than previously projected.

I hate to say that I told you so, but it wasn't even just me telling you so. For the past 8 months, we 'death-panelers' have been telling you guys that the public option not only will benefit the health industry, it will benefit the country!! And all of you were so trapped in your ways that you couldn't see what's always been your motivation from jump: money. Look at the dollars. The health care reform bill would cost us $829 billion over 10 years, but would reduce our federal deficity by $81 million. Dollars make sense fellas. We might not be out of the recession yet, but if there's one thing the recession's taught us, it's that reform is necessary. Being a stick in concrete only leads to you being broke (like the pun?), and by being so conservative in your policies, you guys have put us in the red for a LONG time. So why don't we do it like this: You guys sign off on the bill. We enact it. And then we allow positive reform to start the country off on the road to recovery. It's as simple as that.

The thing is, you guys saw the idea of changing something so deep-rooted in our society as BAD, even if it was sapping our wallets and feeding a vicious cycle. The pharmaceutical companies know that, and continue to feed into your vicious cycle. All of the interest cuts in the world wouldn't have been able to pay for the hole we were digging ourselves into health-care wise (I'm not even going to start with the banks). So, tell me who makes sense? The guy that tries to patch up the plumbing that's been leaking for 10 years, or the guy that tries to bring in new pipes? Hopefully you guys think the latter. If not, you have some flooding floors to attend to...