Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Stylophone Beatboxing

Don't mind how bad the editing was on the first video. My inner nerd is having a field day right now!!! I don't care how 'cool' you are. The fun in this is undebatable. We've all had those days where we had a beat in our head and couldn't get it out until we knocked our fingers on a desk or tapped our feet to the rhythm. This is the cure for those days. Not only is the Stylophone Beatbox portable, it has and a loop mode to build and layer loops using the included percussion, human beatbox, and bass samples. There's also record and scratch modes, plus an MP3 input feature. Fuck Guitar Hero and Rock Band. This is REAL music, even if it's simple looping. Check out the Stylophone Beatbox here...