Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear Chris Brown

A lot of people read my Rihanna letter and got the idea that I'm somehow a proponent of domestic violence (even though I stated my disdain for it numerous times). This time, it's Chris' turn to hear somethings about himself...

Larry King was not a fluke, Chris' vocabulary is elementary at best...

Chris, Chris, Chris. It was really really hard trying to show the world the other side of your story once Rihanna started singing like the bird she is (there's my one and only shot). That said, I think you took the high road by trying to keep the situation between the two of you. You've taken steps to remedy your affinity for violence, tried to clear your name as best you could, and have started making music again. Now begins the hard part. When you took to Twitter to start airing out your grievances about the ills of pushing an album as a felon, you pretty much showed everyone that this had REALLY gotten to you. I can't help but think what you're going through sucks, but therein lies the problem.

Chris, you laid your hands on a woman. And hurt her, badly. Truth be told, you could probably be in jail right now. Thanks to the celebrity card, you got of with a slap on the wrists. After that, you will not have ANYTHING handed to you. The music stores are well within their rights to bar your album from selling, and there is really nothing you can do about it. Being painted with a domestic violence charge as a musician is like wearing a scarlett letter in the colonial U.S. NOBODY IS ON YOUR SIDE, CHRIS. Or at least no one that wasn't there before. The industry doesn't owe you anything (especially not right now), and you know this. Ranting on Twitter never helped anyone, and sure as hell isn't going to help you either, so I suppose it's good you deleted it.

What you need to do is keep grinding (I'm starting to hate that term; everyone uses it when they really aren't doing anything). Get on the road and tour your Michael Jackson-impersonating behind off. Stop referencing Rihanna, stop answering questions about it and get to work. This whole situation is old, Chris. 'Do it like Kobe' should be your motto for 2010. Hell, you could Twitter that...