Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Top 10 Most UNDERRATED Mixtapes of the Year (10-9)

Honestly, this was a hell of a year in terms of music. So many new artists showed their talents through sound, and it was easy to get lost in the shuffle (get it?). We saw Drake, Wale, KiD CuDi & J. Cole all get their time in the limelight. All over the blogosphere, I'm seeing everyone's top 10, or 5 or whatever, mixtape lists, and I'm seeing the same fucking mixtapes over and over again. That doesn't sit well with me.What about all the artists, and more importantly, mixtapes that flew under the radar? What about the mixtapes without the huge promotion and big name features? What about those mixtapes you DIDN'T hear? Those questions end as we enter the new year. Dear Whoever is listing it's top 10 underrated mixtapes, as well as the #dopetracks (my Twitter fam knows I love that hashtag). We'll cross two names off the list every two days, and end next week with the most underrated mixtape of the year. Check out who chimed in at numbers 10 and 9, and keep it locked to Dear Whoever for numbers 8 through 1...

10. Trey Songz - Anticipation


Trey Songz - Anticipation

It Would Be You
Does She Know
You Belong to Me

If you like R&B, this is the essential mixtape of the year. In a work that I think superseded the album that came after it, Trey laced very minimal and some acoustic beats with his usual silky smooth vocals. The mixtape was nearly flawless. All of the tracks are what some people like to call 'panty-droppas'. Trey really outdid himself with this one, and made me a fan...

9. Rockie Fresh - Rockie's Modern Life


Rockie Fresh - Rockie's Modern Life

New Chapter
Rockie Go Get Um
Rockie Fresh
Fire Bed

You know a mixtape is fire, when it came out two days ago and I'm posting it as one of the most underrated of the year. Rockie Fresh from Chicago is a punchline king, and you probably don't know that yet. Download this mixtape NOW. I'm serious. He definitely has room to grow as an artist, but already has 95% of rap beat in terms of lyricism, which is not a light statement at all. Rockie is going to be someone to watch in 2010. Don't say I didn't tell you...