Everic White

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The Mailing List: 5 Reasons Why the US Might Be Screwed

Call me a pessimist. Call me an angry liberal. Call me unpatriotic. Call me any derogatory term for a person upset with the direction our country is going in, but you can never call me uninformed. Our fair country, the United States of America, is knee-deep in a metaphorical pile of excrement, body parts, oil and missiles, and lately I've felt less and less optimistic about our state.

Sidenote: If there are any Feds reading this, please don't take this as anything more than an opinion. I'm just a blogger, not a terrorist...

1. We are engaged in three wars.

Between Afghanistan, Iraq, and now our newfound military front in Libya, the United States is spreading itself thin in terms of our armed forces. After 10 years and over $1 trillion spent on military costs, the 'War on Terror' has yielded next to nothing in answers for the 9/11 attacks, much less broken up any part of the new 'axis of evil' George Dubya duped the world into believing in. Imagine that. We've been at war for over a decade now, and still have nothing to show for it but dead soldiers and civilians, a U.S. funded puppet state in Afghanistan that's rife with corruption, and a loss of faith from the world community. Now that we've engaged Libya, and still have no plans to get out of Afghanistan or Iraq, I can only imagine the carnage that can ensue. Not to mention, the U.S. is on a fast track to conflict with North Korea. If we think the Middle East has some WMD's, then I'd hate to see what Kim Jong-Il has up his sleeve. Simply put, we've focused too much on the military over the last decade, especially economically, bringing me to the next point:

2. Our domestic economic policies aren't helping.

If there is any person whose opinion on finance and the economy I'm going to trust, it's got to be Warren Buffet. The man simply knows money. And guess what? Warren Buffet says the recession isn't over, and won't be for some time considering the steps our government is taking. Take a look around. Unemployment is still rampant and job creation is stalling. The amount of Americans filing for bankruptcy is still rising. Our national debt is still rising, while our GDP is stagnant. And the worst part? Our government is enacting policies that will probably add to our deficit.

If it's not the richest Americans getting tax cuts widening the gap between the haves and have-nots and turning the U.S. into a nation of classes, then it's our egregious military spending putting us in the hole and bringing us closer to nuclear holocaust. If it's not CEO's bonuses jumping 30%, then it's state governments attempting to block unions while not cutting their own pay. If it's not a RoboCop statue being erected in the economic wasteland of Detroit, then it's the government dragging its feet in a budget-saving health care plan. Our government blasts the country's spending habits when it spends its money on ridiculous things that don't serve to improve our nation, and instead set us back.

3. Dependence on oil is still the precedent.

Energy is what runs everything. Repeat that. ENERGY RUNS EVERYTHING. It runs our transportation, every appliance and piece of technology we use, and every resource we need, needs artificial energy to work. That said, our dependence on oil is sickening. Of all Western nations, we use the most oil while producing the least. Additionally, the world's oil reserves are set to be running low in the next 30-40 years, with the world reaching it's peak oil production in the past few years. That means the world, and more importantly the U.S., is going to have to find a new method of energy production. Ironically, we continue peddling money into oil subsidies and oil companies, rather than invest in sustainable energy. At this rate, we'll be in the dark faster than you can flip a light switch.

4. Our education system and infrastructure are failing.

If you're reading this, I'm going to assume that you're reasonably educated and can formulate a complete thought on paper without awakening the spirit of Mr. Ed. However, for a lot of American youth, that's not the case. Since 2000, the United States has fallen behind most of the industrialized world in reading and math, two subjects that we excelled at starting in the 70s. Additionally, we're at our lowest rate of college matriculation and graduation in over 30 years (you could blame the recession). No, I'm not saying the U.S> has become a nation of idiots, but we're getting closer to that title by the day. With even the SAT beginning to show signs of lower scores, it's obvious that something isn't going right in our schools as of late, which should seriously affect the country's future, and inevitably our ability to understand what's even going on in our country...

5. Political engagement is down, while political ignorance is up.

According to Newsweek, Americans are becoming more and more politically ignorant, with more than 30% of Americans being unable to name our own Vice President, 44% unable to define the Bill of Rights, and 73% unable to identify why the Cold War was fought and 6% unable to circle our own Independence Day on a calendar. Excuse me? In this nation so hell-bent on patriotism and national pride, people have no earthly clue what's going on! No wonder they vote for legislation that hurts them financially, allow warmongering politicians to draw us into foreign conflict and listen to idiots like Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin spew misinformation. In the 60s, 70s and 80s our industrial might was enough to keep us afloat, because the rest of the world was simply playing catch-up. Now that the Internet has ushered in the information age, it's a necessity for the U.S. to know not only what's going on in our own country, but also the rest of the world... And we're failing terribly.

I won't sit here and say that I've lost all hope in our fair country. However, it's disconcerting to see so many ills in our country that are easily fixable with some smart leadership and engagement from our citizens. At the same time, with the way things are looking, a move to Canada might be just what the doctor ordered. They don't look like they're doing too badly. The U.N. seemed to think so, and I trust their judgment a lot more than the U.S.'s at this point...

The 2010 State of the Union

It's that time of year again: the point when half of the US is reconsidering their votes and the other half is trying to convince everyone else that the current President is either amazing or the Devil. That's right, kids... The State of the Union Address. Our boy Barack Obama is going to speak to Congress tonight at 8PM about everything from the looming health care bill, freezing spending by the government and how in the world we're going to get out of this recession. To those watching, I'd say to watch with an open mind instead of bringing your misconceptions to the TV. People are too quick to find something wrong with what's being said instead of actually learning about what the speaker is pushing. Whatever your stance on Barry (#shoutout to AverageBro for putting me on to the nickname), make sure you fulfill your civic duty. There's no excuse for Apple's tablet (which most of you won't buy) to be breaking news when our country is at an impasse on a number of issues. The SOTU speech is being televised on all of the major networks as well as being broadcast on Youtube. Check out what Barry's up to these days...


21-7 Magazine Re-Launch Party


Got this from the homie Deadstock Ric. The good people at 21-7 Magazine are relaunching their magazine after a nice little absence and are having a shindig to celebrate. For those of you who don't know, 21-7 is an online magazine dedicated to urban culture. If you're in NYC on Wednesday the 27th, you should check out the party (complete with goodies & giveaways). The jawn (yeah, I said jawn) is at 55 East 21 Street between 5th and 6th. Take pictures if you go...

NBA Jam Returns

In 1993, NBA Jam came out for Sega Genesis and Super Nintendo, and every dude on my block became addicted to the 2-on-2 game, with classic NBA rosters. Then, when everyone got a Playstation or N64, we expected the game to step up to those systems. SIKE. The creators, Midway (which is bankrupt as of last March) lost the NBA license to EA Sports and we never saw NBA Jam again. Ironically, EA announced they would be bringing back NBA Jam on the Wii (XBox360 and PS3 heads, I feel your pain). It's a quirky concept. I wouldn't mind if they kept the music though..

The Apple Tablet


via Engadget:
According John Paczkowski over at All Things D, Apple is planning a "major product announcement" for Wednesday, January 27th -- not the 26th as we've heard in previous reports. Additionally, the French site Mac4Ever says developers have been given a beta of the iPhone OS 4 SDK which includes a "simulator" for reformatting / scaling applications to a new, tablet-sized screens. Here at Engadget, we can confirm that sources very familiar with the situation over in Cupertino have been given info about a tablet heading for launch at the end of January, which will -- in fact -- require reformatting and resizing for (we assume)... yep, its new screen size and resolution.

First off, the Mailing List is getting a bit of a change. Instead of having 5 per month and pretty much having a countdown, if it's going down this month, it's in the Mailing List. Most of y'all don't catch that, but, I suppose it's cool.

Anyways, enter the Apple Tablet aka the iSlate aka the Macbook Mini, or whatever heads want to call it. On January 27th, Apple will announce a 'major product'. The interwebs have been raving over a bunch of hear-say about the Apple Tablet, and have gotten a few hints via Apple product development. The final result should be DOPE. Of course these pictures are all photoshopped fan pictures, but you have to admit the possibilities are endless when it comes to Apple. Check the rest of the pictures and stay tuned for more Mailing List posts, especially when it comes to Apple...




Top 10 Most UNDERRATED Mixtapes of the Year (10-9)

Honestly, this was a hell of a year in terms of music. So many new artists showed their talents through sound, and it was easy to get lost in the shuffle (get it?). We saw Drake, Wale, KiD CuDi & J. Cole all get their time in the limelight. All over the blogosphere, I'm seeing everyone's top 10, or 5 or whatever, mixtape lists, and I'm seeing the same fucking mixtapes over and over again. That doesn't sit well with me.What about all the artists, and more importantly, mixtapes that flew under the radar? What about the mixtapes without the huge promotion and big name features? What about those mixtapes you DIDN'T hear? Those questions end as we enter the new year. Dear Whoever is listing it's top 10 underrated mixtapes, as well as the #dopetracks (my Twitter fam knows I love that hashtag). We'll cross two names off the list every two days, and end next week with the most underrated mixtape of the year. Check out who chimed in at numbers 10 and 9, and keep it locked to Dear Whoever for numbers 8 through 1...

10. Trey Songz - Anticipation


Trey Songz - Anticipation

It Would Be You
Does She Know
You Belong to Me

If you like R&B, this is the essential mixtape of the year. In a work that I think superseded the album that came after it, Trey laced very minimal and some acoustic beats with his usual silky smooth vocals. The mixtape was nearly flawless. All of the tracks are what some people like to call 'panty-droppas'. Trey really outdid himself with this one, and made me a fan...

9. Rockie Fresh - Rockie's Modern Life


Rockie Fresh - Rockie's Modern Life

New Chapter
Rockie Go Get Um
Rockie Fresh
Fire Bed

You know a mixtape is fire, when it came out two days ago and I'm posting it as one of the most underrated of the year. Rockie Fresh from Chicago is a punchline king, and you probably don't know that yet. Download this mixtape NOW. I'm serious. He definitely has room to grow as an artist, but already has 95% of rap beat in terms of lyricism, which is not a light statement at all. Rockie is going to be someone to watch in 2010. Don't say I didn't tell you...

The Mailing List: December 2009 (#4)

4. Normalcy - Charles Hamilton


This past year, Charles Hamilton showed us what can happen when bad public relations and bad public relationships come together. The punch heard 'round the world derailed what was seeming like a nice career in the making. Match that with a lackluster first album and Sonic the Hedgehog got dropped like a bad habit from his label. However, as you can see from the picture, Charles Hamilton is back. The man has a new project in the works called 'Normalcy'. Lord knows he needs some of that after a hell of a year (not in the good sense). Check out some of the leaks and a video from the mixtape, which drops this week, and keep it locked to Dear Whoever for the release...

Charles Hamilton - Air Agains

Charles Hamilton – Loserville

Charles Hamilton – Charles Hamilton is Back

The Mailing List: December 2009 (#5)

5. Avatar

Good. GOD. This looks like a maelstrom of visual ecstasy. When I went to go see 2012 a few weeks ago. My eyes were blessed with a preview of epic proportions in the James Cameron film, Avatar. When I first heard of this movie, I thought they were talking about the anime cartoon on Nickelodeon. Boy was I mistaken. This Avatar is based around the existence of some amazing substance growing on a foreign planet that we humans (gasp) want to take by force. That's all I'm going to give you for a blog post. Keep it locked to Dear Whoever, and be on the lookout for Avatar, which comes out in theaters nationwide on December 16th...

The Mailing List: November 2009 (#3)

3. Thanksgiving

Ahh, if only political cartoonists ran the world...

Thanksgiving. Turkey Day. Everybody knows and loves it. Who can resist a mouthwatering helping of turkey, gravy, stuffing, biscuits, ham or whatever other fauna line your table on the third Thursday in December? I know I can't. But Thanksgiving is so much more profound than what we give it. For one, it was one of the first peaceful contacts between the Native Americans and the 'Pilgrims'. While we can wax philosophical about the happenings, we all know what happened in the end. Native Americans ended up in reservations and casinos and the rest is history. If you can't understand that significance, then off yourself.

We give thanks for every inane pleasure we take in life, not understanding that the foundation of our country is built on bloodshed. Whether the blood of Native Americans, slaves, Brits, Mexicans or whoever, America has more blood on it's hands than Tom Hanks in Castaway when he found Wilson. But it's always going to be cool as long as we have our stuffing and our football. Friends, while you're stuffing your piehole today, remember to give thanks for your sovereignty and your ability to make choices for yourselves. Remember that every Thanksgiving after the first one, the Pilgrims were thanking God for a freshly scalped Injun, not the bountiful harvest that those Injuns had bestowed upon the Pilgrims years before. Remember that life is more precious than gold, and that we should be thankful for it every day, not just Thanksgiving. That's not some 3rd grade paper (I actually did write that paper), that's some real shit.

For everything you have, for everything you don't have to deal with, all the BS and drama you've gotten through, everything you COULD have, and all the potential you have (everyone has it, nearly no one uses all of it), you should be thankful. So today, as @akzionz would say, 'give thanks'...

The Mailing List: November 2009 (#4)

4. Deal or No Deal - Wiz Khalifa


Wiz Khalifa has shot up my list of rappers to watch out for next year. If not because of his lyrical prowess and penchant for catchy ad-libs, then simply out of respect for his never-ending grind. Dude had a summer second to only Curren$y (and maybe Wale), dropping off 'How Fly' (with Curren$y), his two mixtapes 'Flight School' and 'Burn After Rolling', and now his first album, 'Deal or No Deal'. I wish Wiz had dropped more than interviews talking about this album, because I honestly think he's going to storm the hip-hop game with this one. Lately, I've been listening to a lot of Wiz, and his lyrics have gotten more and more subtle. In a state of hip-hop where we laud the obvious, Sesame Street lyrics of Wayne and Gucci (sorry Gucci Mane stans, but you know shit is true sometimes), we rarely sit back and try to listen for the way harder to catch lyrics. Wiz is one of the MC's spearheading the movement. His new album, 'Deal or No Deal' drops TOMORROW. That's not a lot of time, so you should definitely check these videos out and get an idea as to what the Wiz has cooking up this time around...

The Mailing List: November 2009 (#5)

5. Precious

I haven't seen a real tearjerker in a while, much less one that deals with so many topics at once. From welfare, to emotional abuse, to incest, to education, Precious looks like it can touch a multitude of people. The use of Gabourey Sidibe, an unknown, for the lead role of Precious is a good look because it allows for flexibility. She doesn't have the weight of being typecasted or any sort of precedent for her to follow. She can express any emotion that comes to her. What also makes this movie for me is seeing Mo'Nique in a serious role. We all know her as the funnywoman, but seeing her in such a different way should be exciting. And let's not forget, my muse, Paula Patton, is also starring in the movie (salivation). Precious comes to theaters on November 6th. Be prepared to weep and feel inspired, people...

The Mailing List: October 2009 (#1)

1. Halloween

Can you say politically incorrect?

I've never been one for Halloween. For one thing, my household wasn't really into it, and also, the prospect of dressing up as someone else for a night isn't really appealing to me. Regardless, I see the fun in the holiday. If not a great excuse for women to dress like jawns and guys to act foolishly, the parties are always pretty good. If there's one thing I will say, it's that some costumes can never be forgotten. If you end up looking like any of these people, you might want to consider leaving the trick-or-treating to the kids:

DOPE, but why spend 15 hours on something you'll wear once?

Too easy... The Chuck Taylors kill it for me

You might as well be hidden from the world

Where the wild things... Aren't

His parents should get blown up...

At some point shame HAS to play a part...

The Mailing List: October 2009 (#2)

2. 2009 BET Hip-Hop Awards

I'm not gonna lie. I loathe what BET stands for and what it does to the black community. However, I can't deny their knack for bringing together the most expansive group of black celebrities at any point. The regular old BET Awards had stars from damn near every branch of black media. I'm not going to say that everyone I want to be at these awards is there, but you have to admit, MTV doesn't have anyone not named Carter or Kanye on it's network, which sickens me. The 2009 Hip-Hop Awards are tonight at 8 PM. While I know that there will be a number of trademark (negro) moments, it's an experience to see all that talent in one place, no matter how ignorant it gets. If anything else, tonight will yield laughable moments for weeks and probably overload Twitter...

The Mailing List: October 2009 (#3)

3. The 2009-2010 NBA Season

You guys knew this post was coming. Here we go again. Another 82 games with 30 different teams. A lot of sports 'experts' have been saying that the NBA is the weakest professional league. I highly disagree, and not because I'm an NBA fan. The NBA has the best All-Star weekend, the players are more easily accessible, there aren't arbitrary calls like the MLB, the commish doesn't clamp on the players like the NFL, and it actually gets aired unlike the NHL. I'd be as driven to say that this is going to be the best season yet. I don't care what you say. I don't care who you are. It's NBA time. October 27th, bitches. I just have one question: Is anybody else as hyped for this season as I am?

PS: Make sure you look out next week for my season preview letter...

The Mailing List: October 2009 (#4)


I haven't seen any concerts recently that I've really been interested in. Oops, scratch that. Curren$y, Styles P and Raekwon already make 'Better Recognize' a highlight on my calendar. For the heads out there that dig the trap-rap stars, OJ da Juiceman and Waka Flocka (apparently he's actually kinda nice?) are performing. And for all you blog-dwellers and Ivy-Leaguers, Kidz in the Hall and Donnis are set to rock the stage too. Best believe if I wasn't up to my neck in exams, I'd be in New York on Wednesday night. Hopefully you are though. Shoutout to OnSmash, NahRight, The Stadium and 10 Deep for throwing this one together...

The Mailing List: October 2009 (#5 )

5. The HTC Hero

I think I've found my new phone!!!

Hey, I'll admit it. I'm on Sprint, everybody's favorite wireless carrier to make fun of. For the longest it was our reception and customer service that got crap. But since Sprint stepped into 3G (and have been developing 4G), it's the phones that have needed an upgrade. We got the Palm Pre in June, we got the new Blackberry in August, and now we have the new G-Phone. Enter the HTC Hero. It's a touch-screen phone that uses Google's Android OS and uses a new user interface called Sense UI. Forget Blackberries and iPhones. Sprint users, we have a G-Phone. Rejoice. Check out a hands-on demo of the Hero, which comes out on October 11th...

The Mailing List: September 2009 (#2)

2. Brothers

I'm not really a fan of Tyler Perry and his little black media conglomerate. First off, he's probably gay. And second off, any dude that isn't beating his wife or smoking crack in a Perry production probably is too. Third off, Tyler Perry gets way too much credit for being a 'black' playwright, rather than a playwright who just happens to be black. That's why I'm so hyped for something, anything on TV with a black cast, that ISN'T spearheaded by Tyler Perry. Enter 'Brothers', the new sitcom on FOX (they have good TV, regardless of their bullshit news programming) starring Michael Strahan, ironically playing a retired football player. Strahan's character, Mike (big whoop), decides to return home after his playing days are over, only to see that the more he's changed, the more his family stays the same. The trailer seems funny and the premise, while somewhat worn, has some room for hilarity to ensue. Plus, you won't find Michael Strahan dressing up in drag. Check the trailer for 'Brothers' and the cast of the show talking about it on the red carpet...

The Mailing List: September 2009 (#3)

3. Pandorum

Okay, space and sci-fi films always have to go the extra bound for me to consider them. That's because we've explored most every abyss of human fear and extra-terrestrial imagination up to this point. New ideas are so slow to come to fruition and so hard to convey in an artistic yet commercially-appealing way, that, besides Star Trek, I couldn't tell you the last good sci-fi movie I've seen. So, when a new sci-fi movie is set to come out, the premise and the trailer usually beget more than they would want, making seeing the movie less likely for me. Pandorum seems to be heading in the right direction, by coming up with a different type of movie. What if the enemy isn't an alien or some other humanoid, hell-bent on destroying humanity? What if the monster is us? That premise alone makes me curious about Pandorum and whether the movie will deliver. It's been so long since a good sci-fi / horror movie (that ISN'T a remake) has come out. I'm not too psyched about Dennis Quaid being anywhere near a camera after his performance in GI Joe, but I suppose a trip to outer space can do the man some good. Hopefully I don't regret watching this one like I did GI Joe...

The Mailing List: September 2009 (#1)

I've said it before and I'll say it again. No matter how badly they fuck up the stories or the characters or anything, I'll always love seeing my favorite childhood books, stories, and TV shows, placed on the silver screen (why do they call movies the silver screen anyway?). This is no different. Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs was always one of my favorite books because of how outlandish the premise was. Think about it. Food falling from the sky? That's the stuff that dreams are made out of. Check the trailer for Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs, and see if you can find the differences between the book and movie (yeah I'm a nerd)...

The Mailing List: September 2009 (#4)

I will say it right now. Curb Your Enthusiasm is my favorite show. The dry, sardonic humor encapsulates my cynical nature. Enough about me though. This show is completely situation-based. Any awkward encounter or ideology that you've come across in your life cannot compare to the hilarity that ensues when Larry David does his trademark stare. Hell, even the score to this show is hilarious. Do your soul a favor and check the behind the scenes of Season 7 of Curb Your Enthusiasm, and catch the season premiere on September 20th...