Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

The World's Shortest Political Quiz


I'm a Liberal!!

The World's Shortest Political Quiz

In these trying times, it's not enough to go off hearsay and political propaganda to know where you stand on the important issues plaguing our nation. That said, everyone should know exactly where they stand in the political spectrum. There's no excuse not to have a firm grasp on your political leanings (Knowledge of Self, bitches). That's why things like 'The World's Shortest Political Quiz' are so important. By answering 10 questions, you can know whether you're Liberal, Conservative, Libertarian, Statist or Apathetic (thanks for adding to the confusion, Facebook). Regardless of where you stand, make sure you're abreast of your own leanings. Check out my score and take the quiz for yourself...