Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Kidz in the Hall - Fresh Academy (ft. Chip tha Ripper & DONNIS)

I'm just gonna come out right and say it: I have the biggest love-hate relationship with Kidz in the Hall. Sometimes their songs are catchy, sound good, have good verses and features that make sense. Other times, they get too experimental and have weak-ass bars. In this case, I see the former. The Kidz teamed up with DONNIS and Chip Tha Ripper for the track 'Fresh Academy' off their new album 'Land of Make Believe', and decided to keep it in the telly for the video. I can't say that the concept is anything remotely original or innovative, but it worked out pretty well. One thing I have to contest is Double-O's hair in the video. Nothing says hip-hop like a Farrah Fawcett do in a rap video. Follicular foibles aside, the video does the song justice...