Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Nike Sportswear - "I'm the Michael Jordan of..." T-Shirt


Everyone wants to be the best at something. Be it dominoes, criminal litigation, flagpole sitting or, writing in my case, excellence is something people will eternally strive for. The pursuit of excellence drives everything in life. Why do something if you don't aspire to excel? That's the spirit that an athlete like Michael Jordan embodied and is the same spirit exemplified in this Nike Sportswear t-shirt. Yes, it's simple. Yes, it's open for wide interpretation what exactly the wearer is the 'Michael Jordan' of. Yes, it's even an arrogant statement to wear the shirt. Even so, the concept is dope. It'd probably be a good idea to write what you're the MJ of in the box. That's actually a pipe dream waiting to happen. Check the shirt out and figure out what you're the Michael Jordan of, so maybe you can rock the tee too. #shoutout to Freshness Mag for the flicks...
