Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear Campus Police

Without a gun and a badge, what do you got?? = Great words from Eazy-E

DISCLAIMER: Do not take this post as my disdain for college law, security or police. I, by all means, am a law-abiding citizen; just a cynical one who sees the folly in modern law enforcement.

Picture this scenario (cue dramatization music):

A typical Saturday evening in a typical college town. The town is slightly rural, but with a burgeoning minority population that is riddled in crime and angst. The students are well-educated, yet somewhat sheltered, and looking for something fun to get into on the weekend. They all go to (insert fraternity, sorority, organization, group of friends) house party, where there is alcohol being served by a responsible adult, to students over 21. Although the party is growing in size and rowdyness, it is still under control due to a stringent door policy, and the attentiveness of those throwing it.

All of a sudden, raucous is heard upstairs while the party is blaring downstairs. Police and campus security have entered the house and are now forcing the students out of the house. The bouncers that were supposed to be protecting the door and students are now doing the same and in a much more aggressive fashion. Curses, yells and threats are given and received from the police. Upon exiting the house, one sees 12 squad cars and a paddy wagon outside and 20-30 officers armed with guns and tasers. It's something out of a John McClane movie. The police continue their threats and cursing at the students, even though they've all left the house and are wondering what the issue was. Word comes in that there was a shooting down the street. The police and campus security fail to adequately inform the people in charge as to the nature of their action. In fact, they threaten arrest to those asking questions, while fumbling over their reasoning, citing their superior's orders. The night comes to a close with 6 kids getting arrested for what the police called 'disorderly conduct'. (END Dramatization)

Now, campus security, I realize that story may have been a bit awkward for you, but it's a story that happens way too often, and even more often gets misconstrued by law enforcement. Campus police, or public safety, or whatever you want to be called, there have been too many times that I've seen you overstep your boundaries. Whether it is entering a domicile that you weren't invited into, using excessive force to subdue a student, being lackadaisical or neglectful while on the job, or just being plain old unqualified for your job, I've seen it all. They don't call you rent-a-cops for no reason. That said, why is your presence always unneeded when you do show up, but never present when needed? Why is your first thought at a rational question to accost, and hopefully arrest the person asking? Why do you fraternize with students on some occasions and take advantage of your position at other times? If these questions are getting too heated, then, by all means, arrest me. Just know that free speech, no matter how scathing is my right as a law-abiding citizen and student.

I won't get into where the above story came from (the people involved know what happened), but those events could happen anywhere, on any slightly-small liberal arts college campus. Campus Police, it goes without saying that students, administrators and yourselves are working towards a common purpose, to create a safe, enriching environment for students. I commend that and hope to work toward a similar end. However, when you guys go from enforcing the law to adding your own interpretation and following it blindly, there is a problem. People without college education can see that. Why can't you? Do the badge and uniform give you such a great feeling of power, that you forget what life without them is like? If so, I hope you sleep well at night. Your inferiority complexes and abuses of power are sickening. Until Campus Security make the campus secure in a way that doesn't infringe on students' rights, this is the song stuck in my head: