Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Pillow Talk

Get your minds out of the gutter, people. This is a lot more romantic than the title would allow most to believe. For those nights when your significant other isn't in the same room, let alone the same city, state or country, there's a new way to let them know you're on their mind. Pillow Talk has a chest sensor and pillow for each partner, which have wireless transmitters for the other partner. The pillows light up when your sweetheart lays down, and the sensors transmit their heartbeat to the pillows, too. Honestly, inventions like this make single life seem wack. I guess that's just the hopeless romantic in me talking. Cop one of these for your sweetheart and tell me you won't miss them on their side of the bed. Word to Trey Songz...