Everic White

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Dear Bruce Golding

Throwing up the peace sign and defending it are two completely different things...

via CNN:
Jamaican authorities declared a state of emergency in Kingston after gang members supportive of an alleged drug lord wanted by the United States attacked police stations and blockaded a large swath of the city. Two police stations were evacuated after being hit with Molotov cocktails, while the status of a third was unclear.

Gang members blocked off a miles-long area of Jamaica's capital city -- mostly in West Kingston -- using vehicles, sandbags, barbed wire and anything else they could find. The standoff revolves around attempts by the United States to extradite suspected drug kingpin Christopher "Dudus" Coke. Last year he was charged with conspiracy to distribute marijuana and cocaine and with conspiracy to illegally traffic in firearms in U.S. federal court.

On Friday, Jamaican Prime Minister Bruce Golding said citizens should "allow the courts to deal with the extradition matter," the state-run Jamaica Information service reported.

In a statement issued Sunday afternoon, Golding announced an emergency meeting of his cabinet in response to the violence and blockades, the Jamaica Information Service said.

Bruce, Bruce, Bruce... You see what happens when you want to have your cake and eat it too? Last year, the United States ordered the extradition of Christopher 'Dudus' Coke on charges of drug and ammunitions trafficking. You, most likely out of pride, or the fact that you have (or had; we never know nowadays) your hands in Dudus' pocket, denied the request. You said that the information that the US used to charge Dudus was obtained in violation of Jamaican law. Now, I'm not the end-all, be-all authority on the law in JA, but it is a known fact that politicians and criminals eat from the same plate. Corrupt officials have been using gunmen to protect their political interests for decades now, and it's never been a secret. Bruce, the last time I checked, political violence that's mandated by the politicians themselves was illegal. By that virtue, Bruce, you should be the LAST person calling out any entity for illegal operations. In fact, that Dudus is a prime supporter of the JLP, your party, makes me less sorry for your state of affairs.

A corrupt government breeds crime. Point blank. When the United States asked for Dudus' extradition last year, you spit in their face, caring more about your own political standing moreso than the safety of the island. Now that you can't control the gunman, his supporters who firebombed police stations, or his gang, the Shower Posse (because they 'shower' you with bullets), you want to ask outside sources to help you get Dudus out of the country. Newsflash, Bruce: they already tried that!! No matter what law firm you hire to negotiate with the US, nothing will erase that Dudus should have been on trial in the US now. It's a damn shame that you only care to act when the cards aren't in your favor. Bruce, the status of a criminal should never be a matter of convenience for you, the government or any political party. Sure, you offered to step down as the Prime Minister, but we all know that was more lip service than anything. You would rather say the right thing at the wrong time than do what's right, and what's been the right thing for a long time. No, that's not to say that your administration won't be able to make a change for Jamaica. However, the state of emergency in Kingston says a lot about where the country is heading and how well it's being governed right now. That said, between the JLP and PNP, it doesn't matter who's in charge if everyone is corrupt. Bruce, get your country under control and stop letting criminals wield more power than the government...

PS: #shoutout to the Minister of Tourism for getting mad at a Drake video's portrayal of Jamaica. You can't be mad at what's essentially true...