Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

The Arch Group 'SLEEPBOX'


How many of you guys would sleep in a public place, like a train station or a bus stop? Trust, I find ways to sleep everywhere, but sleeping in public always has the aspect of danger or just plain old exposure that will keep you awake. I suppose that's what the people at The Arch Group were thinking about when they began designs on their SLEEPBOX. The architects see the boxes installed at train stations, airports and shopping centers, where users would rent between 15 minutes and several hours.. Between users, the bedding would be automatically changed, with sheets wound from one roller onto another. While I think the idea is brilliant, especially for Europe and Asia (light rail travel is the norm outside of the US), I can't help but think there are some gross people out there who'd turn the SLEEPBOX into their personal public and drug sex rooms. Also, the whole idea of resting my head where I know thousands have been is just a bit eerie to me (though we do the same thing everyday on public transportation). Even so, the invention is great for people with layovers or foreigners without immediate accommodation. How about you? Would any of you guys (readers) rock with a SLEEPBOX?



