Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear Vince Young

Dude, did you not learn anything from your former teammate Pacman 'It is tricking if there are a bunch of dudes grilling you' Jones? I mean, I thought after a year on the bench and an alleged suicide attempt, you would have begun to get the rest of your life in order, not be at strip clubs causing fights. One of the things I despise about most athletes is their utter disregard for precedent. Over the past 10 or so years, athletes in almost every major sport have been caught up in the wrong crowds at the wrong places at the wrong times. Most often, the wrong crowds are the hood-ass childhood friends that the athlete refuses to stop catering to, the wrong places are clubs (more often strip clubs), and the wrong times are late at night (then again, who goes to a strip club in the afternoon?). Vince, I'm sure you watch enough SportsCenter. What part about athletes getting into trouble do you not get? Every year, I think that players are getting a bit smarter about their decisions, and every year, I'm proven wrong by another ridiculously retarded happening.

Vince, what were you doing in the strip club back office in the first place? Unless you're pulling a Tony Soprano and checking up on business, you had no business in there. Second of all, you've got to be a real idiot to start a fight at a strip club. In addition to there being cameras EVERYWHERE, there is a host of men just as burly and corn-fed as you. Their job isn't to cater to a prima donna athlete who's making it rain in the club. Their job is to make sure that prima donna athlete doesn't cause Trillville & Lil' Jon-esque riot in the club. By entering that back room, you did nothing but make their job easier. In fact, you pretty much guaranteed that you would be incriminated. Any man tricking off in the club garners attention, and you're no different. I suppose coming off a miracle season, you'd think anything is possible. Not so, Vince. It stands to say that we still don't know all of the facts surrounding your brawl, but the video tells more truth than you can at this point. I guess the fact that the Titans already know about the incident is good. Even so, that won't erase a tarnished image, and it certainly won't erase Roger Goodell's foot aiming straight for your rear end (somehow I think you're going to end up worse off than Big Ben). Vince, don't get me wrong. I love watching you play. You're a winner on the field. But off the field (and in the Wonderlic tests), much is left to be desired...