Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

The Best Beards in Basketball

During my random sessions of internet surfing, I stumbled upon the above video for the second time. Baron Davis' 'Boom's Beard' product was a serious reminder that facial hair can work miracles not only in the NBA, but in real life. Being a baby-faced individual, my next thought was... If I could have any beard in the NBA who's would it be? Who's follicles would be burly enough to boost one's game on and off the court? Today, Dear Whoever examines the best beards in basketball, and the players underneath the scruff.

LeBron James
How could we start this list without the King? Bron Bron has been the reigning best player in basketball, and coincidentally the best beard in basketball, which is as burly (pause) as he is. King James' facial follicles take on a life of their own at times, as does his game.

DeShawn Stevenson and Drew Gooden
Speaking of LeBron, his arch-nemesis DeShawn Stevenson has since departed from the Washington Wizards team that became Public Enemy #1 in Cleveland. Ironically, his best friend in the league, Drew Gooden was on that team. The two ballers decided to have a 'beard battle', where the first person to shave lost. Stevenson won, but his Wizards were trounced by Gooden's squad, the Cavaliers, and Bron Bron. I guess not being able to feel one's face, as Stevenson likes, doesn't give an advantage...

Rip Hamilton
People wonder why Rip Hamilton's motor never stops running on the court, and why he's almost impossible to keep up with. My explanation: the beard. In the traditional Philly beard mold, Rip has had the scruffy man look going on 6 seasons. After breaking his nose and being forced to wear a protective mask, Rip kept the mask and the beard that accompanied it. Now the three of them are inseparable., much like Rip from the Pistons...

Deron Williams
If there was ever an extremely precise point guard in the NBA, it would be Deron Williams. The man can stop on a dime and drop a few dimes on the hardwood too. It's no surprise that D-Will's beard looks like it was laser-etched and filled in using the most vibrant of hair dyes. D-Will's beard looks so perfect, it almost looks fake...

Honorable Mention: Rasheed Wallace
Sheed needs to be in some kind of hall of fame for being a trailblazer in basketball hairstyles. Not only did he make the random and inexplicable bald spot a trend, he made being ridiculously scruffy a fashion statement, starting with that beard of his. Nothing says 'technical foul' like a beard that looks like a pair of scissors hasn't touched them in years. Here's to you, Sheed, and your beard...